knowing the truth

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Charlie pov
I stat there shocked. It was the weekend and we had just been told that may-lie was temeprly suspeneded for 3 months! What had i done!

I was sat there in my own thoughts till i reliesed ryan was standing infront of me. "What!" i spat.

"You know what!" he hissed back.

Me and him had been taking cheap shots at each other all week. Yer i was out of order how i had talked to him, but i coud defently see why chloe struggled with him. I still felt that she felt sorry for him, thats the only reason she kept letting him hurt her. I wasnt that nice.

"Yer- and you know to keep your mouth shut!" i hissed back.

"Why shoukd i!" he spat in a wisper as everyone else was planning a "leaving" party.

"I dont think you relise how close your sister is to levimg you and your little games. She desurved better then you. I dont want to bring her into this, but I did what was right at the time, so if i have to bring her in to this argument- i will" i awnserd standing up.

"Other people wont see it that way. You know that. They will think what you did was wrong!" he hissed.

"Maby ita gone to far,granted. But it was right at the time, nough' said!" i replyed stroming off.

I stormed into my room when i stoped in my trackes to see chloe squeezing onto  the rim of her wheelciar crying.

"Whats happend?" i asked.

"N.noting"she splutred.

"Chloe tell me!" i hissed.

"BCAK OFF ITS NOTHING!" she shouted.

"Fine i will" i hissed walking off.

As i ran out of the room i bumped into may-lie. Evedything was spinning in my head and suddenly my heart started beating like crazy and my breathing shallowed.


After claming down i was put in the quiet room. I was in lots of pain after my pannic attack along with my head beimg a big mess.

It was may-lie who had calmed me down.

How had i been so stupid. So so stupid! I hated my self. I alwased mess things up! I slowly walked from the quiet room to my room, luckily chloe was out. I needed my blade. More then anything right now.

I opend the box as i let it pearse though my skin. I cryed and cryed. Why had i messed up so much.

"DINNER!" may-lie called as i sighed getting up and going as everyone staried as i came in. "You alriaght now?" floss asked as i nodded. Everyone gulped there food down but my stomach was faliring a bit so i just picked at the mash. After dimmer everyone wemt out to play rounders but i sat there outside watching everyone. The only other person who wasmt there was chloe wich was strange but i dismissed it.

Mike was first out amd came over to me. "It too late to pull the complainet out isnt it" i asked as he nodded.

"May-lie helped me, she gor me out of a pannic atcak...even when i put a copliant in againat her" i sighed.

"Mey-lie isnt juat here for the money but for you guyes. Having to be off...she's only gping to miss you guyes, but i think you should tell her how sorry you are" he suggested.

"What if she hates me" i asked.

"This is may-lie - is that why you havnt spoken to her?"  he asked.

"I dont desurev anyone" i replyed walking off into my room.

Chloe was asleep, apparently she had a cold or something. I sat there for houers, just crying. And crying.

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