getting closer

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Ryan pov
Once me and charlie got back she dumped her stuff in her room and we desided to play pool. Excluding the whole chloe situation, people were starting to...not like me but...not hate me as much as they once did. I dont know, id never realy felt this way before. Sure people were confused about me and chloe, but i still felt that little bit happer about where i was living atleast.

After Finished pool i went up to my room to find a note there. It was from Chloe. I what made her think i cared.

I desided to go downatairs and speak to her. I stormed into her room as she looked up at me.

"Can you get a bit more petty please" i snapped.

"Have you atchaly read it!" she snapped.

"Why should i!" i snapped as chralie walked in.

"Because i care" she awnserd.

"Whatever makes you sleep at night!" i shot walking out

"Why are you bein so mean!" charlie snapped walking out behind me.

"Whats it to you!" i hissed.

"People said you used to be mean, and now its only to chloe. Whats she done so wrong?" she spat.

"You hardly get on with you herself!" i argued back.

"You know what...your right" the replyed as i smerked and she walked back into her room.

Charlie pov
I walked back in to see tears running down chloes cheak.

"He dosnt mean it" i told her sitting next to her. "He dose. Belive me" she awnsered "he treats you like rubish. Im sorry" i told her. "Dont be" she mumbled as she hugged me slowly. It was strange. Was i becoming friends with chloe Reeves.


Ryan pov
It was late at night and i was walking up to bed when i heard charlie amd choe laughing. It killed me inside. Everyone alwase loved chloe. I wanted someone to see what she was realy like but charlie turnrd against me like eveyone else.

I went up to my room, pasing, trying to calm down, it was so hard. My mind was spinning. Chloe knew the truth about me yet she told people just to "help me" but it clearly wasn't working. I was refusing to see my independent visitor and i was on a long long wating list for a therapist. She wasnt helping anything.

For some reason i found my self reading her letter. Tear beagn to prick at my eyaes and soon enough they were all down me. I was so confused and lost. I then ripped it up, i dont know why i just did.

"Is that what makes you sleep at night!"i heards someone snap. It was charlie.

"I didnt want to wake anyone up, before you ask why i didnt nock." shehossed.

"What and your big gob won't do that!" i snapped back.

"I heard you and chloe the other day you know. Tell me the truth. Were you useing me" she said looking me in the eyes.

"Corse not" i replued trying to brush it off.

"Look me in the eyes and say that!" she hissed.

"O so you belive chloe over me do you!" I hissed rasing an eyebrow.

"Maby i do. But your lucky to have your sister with you!" she snapped walking out.

Your lucky to have your sister with you

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