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Chloe pov

At that i went out as ryan headed for the living room. "I get you hate me but telling charlie your secrets to get at me because we dont get on, its low for you. Ive tryrd, dont want me do you" i replyed looking down.

"Its dosnt matter. What you never going to forgive you for that. And ill do whatever it takes for you to relise how i feel" he hissed.

"So you admit your useing her" i replyed.

"I didnt say that" he snapped walking off.

Hey kim this is Chloe. You said you would be here if i needed you. I need you.

I then slipped my phone in my pocket as i went for lunch.

Charlie pov

Strait after lunch i was going with my social worker to get my new school stuff. I was meant to of been going with may-lie but id been told that under the circumstances, untill the complint was filed that was inappropriate.

I was sat outside the office when ryan saw me. "What you doing?" he asked. "Wating for my social worker to come and take me school shopping" i awmserd. "Normaly may-lie dose that" he replyed in a suspicious tone. "Yer well...shes um...buisy" i said as he nodded in an unconvinced tone.

"Could i tag along do you recogn?" he asked as i nodded.

Chloe pov

whats he done this time?

Hes using a new girl at school and being nice to them to get at me as they hate me.

I guess its good its only at school? How come you didnt bring this up at the groupe session?

It wasnt that bed but now there hanging out and everything and every time i see them he shoots me a look

Talk to him. Tell him how you feel.

he wont listen. He hates me.

Write him a letter then?

he'll just ignore it

Atleasr you know youve tryed and got your opinion our without him butting in or anything.

I guess so. Thanks. Hows your sister?

In hospital still. trying to rip wiers out of her self. She hates being tube fed!

Hopeslfuly she exsepts the help soon

Same gose for your brother.

Hopfuly. Thanks again anyway x

Np tell me how it gose x

Will do xx

I then got sone paper out, trying to desisde what to write. It took ages to get my thoughts down on paper, but i did it.

Dear ryan,
I know your probably ignore this, but please just read it. I love you. Your my brother. Yes i disagree with the things you do and yes i dont trust you but i do care. When i went up to your room thst night...I've never seem you so vulnerable. I don't ever want you to be that  low again. Ever. Thats why i had to tell mike my consurens. I dont regret that. But i do regret how i did it. I should of talked to you first.

You looked after me for years, even sinve ive been here, everything you've dome has been for me. I've only seen the bad and not the reasones behind it. Im begging you ryan, try and see the reason behid what i did. Please.
Your sister chloe

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