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Fixable? Chapter 7

Chloe pov

I was sat outside despite the cold. I hated myself. Tyler had told me what was gping on and i shouoed of notice something.

"Feeling sorry for people because of labeles again are we" ryan hissed.

"Your loving this aremt ya!" i snapped.

"Disnt say that!" he hissed as i went away from him. I got it. He hated me. It was just dificult to exspet.

Charlie pov
Everyone knew. It couod only go two was from past exeprince, bulling or pitty. I've never habe true friends would i ?

"You feelin any better now?" mike asked still in my room.

"I...i want to make a formal coplaint" i told him.

There was silence for aoment.

"Look may-lie made a mist-"

"Shes your couliuge i get it. But cant you see this from my side?" i asked.

"I can. Thats why i think you shouldn't deside now...but if you decide that what you want to do... I'll get you in touch with all the revent people" he told me as i nodded slowly sitting up.

"Im gonna go see the others" i told him getting up but colapsing strait back down in pain.

"Give your self a bit more time, do you want some space?" he asked as i nodded

"Just think about it yer" he said as i noddes.

Chloe pov

"It still dosnt give her the right to punch me!" tyler snapped. We were all in the garage having a bit of a meeting about charie. I mean what else would it be about.

"Yer well you did chuck a mud pie at her" jody replyed. "Id of done more then that" she  added.

"Yer but...thats you" he replyed.

"Yer and charlies charlie. We all could of don more to make her welcome" i chirped up.

"O look who's talking" ryan hissed.

"What even happend between you to. You were both fine for ages!" shasha added.

"Were not here ro talk about us were talking about charlie" ryan awnserd.

No one kenw about his issues. Only me and mike. I mean nothing had been diognosed yet, but his first appointment had been quick so they must be talking my consurnes Serisoly.


Charlie's pov

It was movie night and no one had come to see me or anything. I slowly got up makeing my away to the lvingroom as heads turned.

"Were realy sorry" sasha said as they all appolgised together.

"Its fine...but i dont want fake friends. Tyler chloe, anyone else ive dont have to preted to care" i told them.

"Charlie i was out of oreder" chloe started.

"No you wernt" i awnseed.

"Can't we juat be frineds" she asked

"All i see when i look at you, all of you, is my ilness! My past! You can forgive me all you like, but i don't need amy of you!" i snapped as tears started to form and i wemt strait out of the door.


Id text mike where i was and even though he wasmt happy he said hed let it slide this once and that he was gonna pick me up.

Not that Greve yards  ever scaired me, not even at slept there before now but thats a story for another time.

I sat trasimg his name with my hand. "I love you dad" i wisperd.

"You miss him dont you" he aaid as i nodded.

"Come on im sure the cold is doing havock to your pain"he said as I nodded getting in the car.

We sat in silence, what was there to say. Id barley been there two minutes and people already knew things id kept secret for years and years and was going to report one of the carers. Way to gwp cahrlie. Dad would be so disappointed.

fixable - A Dumping ground ryan Reeves Fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now