it started with a mud pie

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fixable? Chapter 3

Charlie pov

"Hey" i mumbled walking onto the office. May-lie had just introduced her self and now i was faced with a older man who put down his working and started talking.

"Hey charlie. Im mike" he said pitting out his hand as i shook it.

"Now I've made arrangements for you to sleep in the downatairs room, you are sharing but chloes lovely" he told me as i nodded

"How about i show you to your room and then you meet everyone?" maylie asked as i noedded.

Chloe pov
I was reading a letter from mum when may-lie just walked in with a new girl.

"Can you nock" i snapped shoving the letter under my pillow.

"I did" maylie replyed.

"Well she seams lovely(!)" the girl spat.

"And so do you" i hissed back.

"Ill...let you get settled in"  she told her as we both fake smiled and she left.

"Hey, im charlie"she said pitting her hand out as if nothing had happend.

"Hey" i said awkwardly as she started to unpack.

"Your wadrobes comeing down in a bit, you can  hang up your stuff then" i told her as she went to put her cloths up.

"But i dont like them not hung up" she awnserd.

"Youve had them creased for how ever long its taken you to get here.  Besided there put your wadrobe up by tomorrow latest" i explained.

"I only want to hang up one pare" she insisted

"But my wadrobes smaller so i can reach and i dont want your bigger cloths dragging on the floor and putting dust on mine" i insted.

"You calling my fat?" she questions.

"Not tall" i sighed.

"Whatever" she replyed.

Honselt she was beeing so petty and it was driving me mad. She then started moving my things so they were cemtrical. I sighed wheling over to her.

Round 2 i thought to my self.

"Can you not!" i snapped.

"What! They need organising" she replyed innocently as i stormed out.

"Upset someone else have we" ryan sneared.

I ignored him carrying the door of the office. I waited for a momnet till i was let in.

"What can i do for you chloe?" mike asked.

"I am not sharing with her. Id rather share with ryan!" i snapped.

"Just give her a chance" mike told me.

"I have. First she moans about the wadrobe, then she accuses me of calling her fat- them moves my stuff!" i snapped.

"Chloe....charlies been thou-

"Been though a lot. Im sure. So have we all!" i argued.

" juat need to give her a chance. Have you read that leaflet?" he asked clearly changing the subject.

"Yet...but i dont wamt ryan to know" i told him.

"I wont tell him, but i don't agree with you hiding a bit from ryan. I get why but he will want to know your trying to support him and about  you having contact with your mum" he awnserd.

"I...i dont wamt to ever see him as bad as i did that day" i  awnserd.

"And if he finds out, he'll never forgive you, you know that" he said as i sighed.

" Iknow...but ill take that risk"i told him

"It's your desison" he said as i nodded

"And as for the charlie situation- you Just need to be patient. Shes lovely when you get to know her" he replyed.

"I am trying" i sighed.

"I know" he replyed as may-lie called us for lunch.

Charlie pov

After the row with Chloe i cried. Im not gonna lie i cried but i picked my self amd went outside.

It was a good 20 munits untill i got out. As i walked out side my face was greated with mud.

"Dinned" someone called but i dodnt care


A boy with frizzy hair put his hand up sheepishly  as i ran up to him punching him as i was held back by a skinny boyis short hair.

"Get off" i shot starting to pannic about the dirt.

"Someone get mike" someome said as i rushed upstairs trying to calm my breathing.

Ryan pov

"Shes a freak!" sasha commeted.

"She is annoying!" chloe chuped up.

We were all having lunch and mike had been with charlie and maylie had left a moment.

"I dont see what her probalm was only a mud pie!" floss said in an overdramtic way.

"You think its funny do you" a voice said as we all turned round to the doorway to see charie stood there.

"Charlie were so-" chloe started but she stoped her.

"You have no idear!" she snapped staring to pannic as her legs grew weak and she was an uncontrobale mess on the floor, crying and pannicking.

"Ill get mike shoud i!" i excalmes as everyone gorped at her.

"Mike charlies having a pannic attack" i told him as he rushed to her and i went strait to my room


What do you want?" i sighed as chloe came in. "You did great" she told me. "What-for someone with mental health!" i snapped.

"I didnt mea-"

"I dont care what you meant. I dont need you nocking at my door. You have your own room" i hissed going back to my phone.

"I dont" she replyed as I looked up.

"What" i asked.

"Charlie wont let me in and-

"You thought i could help?" i questioned as she nodded.

" and...why should i care!" i snapped.

"Look i know you dont apprishate my help bu-

"Apprshate your help! That's what your calling it now! You told mike you thought i was sick! You told him how i was that night when i trusted you!!!!" i snapped, as the atmosphere tensed up.

"I dosnt mean...i just mean, some people apprishate help. Maby charlies one of them! she proably just struggling with a new place thats all" she snapped back.

"Fine. But im only doing this to shut your winey mouth up!" i hissed as she went out and i folowed. Here gose nothing.

fixable - A Dumping ground ryan Reeves Fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now