never enough

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Fixable?chapter 4

Charlie pov

I was still coverd in mud. Descusting, sticky, filfy mud. And because of my stypid brain i had panniked, letting it dry and become worse. I stood in the shower roughly scraping the flannle across my skin makeing it bleed. I didnt care.

The mud had to come off anf if that menat scabs and what not comeing off to, id ha to live with it. Doing this to myself was killing me, the pain was unbarabld. But what did it matter. I desurved it.

My tears roledvdown mixing with the blood. I was shaking like mad till yet again my legs couldnt hold my wight. I didnt pannic just cried.

By the time i got downatairs i refused to let anayone in my room. I know it was chloes room to, but i couldnt face her. I baricaded myself in there and sat on my bed. What a shit first day. What a shit life.

I grabbed my box, the metal object inside.

*flash back*
" Wate!" jack called as they stopped dragging me away for ome moent. "Promise me you wont hurt yourself" he pleaded. "Its not that eas-" "for me"he pleaded, his normaly stone dry eyes flooding his face with tears. "Jack i cant make that pro-" "for me.And grey" he pleaded.

More tears came when he said her name. "I promise"
***end of fpashb avk***

"Im sorry jack" i wimperd though tears. I got up slowly, trying to ignore the pain. I eneded up crawling to my draw to put away the blade and getting out what i wanted.

I lay in my bed looking slowly thoight the photo albem. They were everything to me and i wasnt there for them.  I should be, but im not.

Chloe tyred ro get in multiple times but why should i let her. Mike thretmed me with this and that, waht did it matter.  Non of it did.

I wasn't enough for them or anyone. I never would be. I was never good enough. If i was id still be with my little siblings. Grey would be 5 soon. I wish i was 5 again.

Jake would be 13 now. Only a year and a half younger then me as i was nearly 15. I wonderd how he was doing. Well i would know if i ever read his letters. Fat chance.

Here i am again. Sat in my own depressing, usless, stupid thoughts. Noone to talk to. In pain amd tierd again. I sobed my self to sleep as ever. Alone.

fixable - A Dumping ground ryan Reeves Fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now