not sick enough

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Charlie pov
I was off school te next day. I'd been forced into the office along with ryan and chloe earlier. We'd all been sanctioned for last nights antics.

It was about 2 now and id gone back to sleep and just woken back up. I slowly got up walking to the office.

"Hey mike" i said walking in to the office. "O hey charlie. You feelin amy better now?" he aaked as i nodded. "Also your complainte been filed. I had a phonecall saying you get a notification wiyh in 10-14 days of when its prosessed"he informed me as i nodded.

I was just about to walk out when i stopped myself. Revealing the true reason id gone the the office. "I.i know youd if told me but...have i had any letters since ive got here?" i aaked neversoky.

"No. I can ring up his social worker if you want?" he askrd.

"No its fine" i awnserd looking down.

"You know you can akwase viset him or grey. He's applied multiple" he replyed

"I know...but i can't" i saod wispring the last part.

"I'm conserned that you missing them more then you have before. When ever you seam to be happy seam like you stop your self" he rold me.

"How am i meant to be happy when they might not be. I dont fit in here...but more then i have in anywahere else" i awnserd.

"Have you been telling your counselr this?" he asked.

"Yer. A little. I don't talk to them much" i replyed as he nodded.

"Anyway i better go, ive got a meeting but may-lies still here - i know its not idal but any problems ring me" he said as i nodded going back to my room.

I disnt realy want to go out of my room so i sat there doing some revision. I was in year10 so i had my science exams near the end wich were realy worring me. I was sat trying to focuse on my work for ages. Focussing was something i stugfled with tho, my brain was all foggy and id esaly forget things, it was just the worse. In the end i gave up and started tyding. It sounds weird but it kept me calm, even if it wore me out.


Once chloe was back she asked if i wamted to go shopping with her. As i had slept all day so i knew i needed todo somethim to nock me out for me to beable to sleep. We desided to only go the corner shop so i shoved in a hoody as i wasnt up to getting ready and my pj bottoms were joghers so i just kept them on. Like i said this was just so i slept, i knew it would make me feel ill.


"Too ill to go sochool. Yer right" ryan smerked as I came back IN AGONY.

"Get lost" i spat.

"What you gonna do. Surly your in too much pain to hurt me" he mocked as my fist connecter with his face.


Ryan pov
"Anf what gives you the right to jude!" mike snapped.

"Why you havin ago at me- she punched me!" i hissed.

"Im consurened about you" he awnserd as we sat in the office 'talking'.

"This has for nothin' todo with me or whatever tou thinks wrong with me!" i hissed.

"Ive spoke to camhs...theyve exepted you for a first meeting. In 6months. Its rare for them to exsept people who dont cut" he awnserd.

"Yer but in your words not mine'i still self harm but in diffrent ways'" i hissed.

"You read your file!" he exclamed

"So. Its my life" i hissed walking out of the office. As i waked out i bumped into charlie who fell over.

"Weak or something are we?" i smerked.

"Ok this stops! I trusted you! I befreiemded you! Everyone told me what you were like- i chose to ignore them, yet you used me and then look though my file. I tryed, you failed. Your perfetic ryan, you desurve everything you get and more. Your just another stupid perftic psycho" she spat sholder barging me hard as she left me there speechless.

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