makeing it worse

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Chloe pov

Ive missed you. More then anything. Like i said on my last letter im back in the uk. Social dont know yet, im going to contact them tomorrow. I want to apply for visiting rights. I want to see you chloe. One day i want us to to be a family again. Im sorry i left for a man. I wasent thinking strait. All that matters is you chloe. I love you.

I put it in the draw, getting my pink lether jacket and putting it on as i made my way out.

"Where you off to?" ryan asked.

"Im meeting up with my social worker" i told him.

"Why?" he asked.

"I thought you didn't care?" i asked as he srugged walkin off.

I didnt want to lie to him but to him i wasnt his sister. So did it realy matter yet at the same time i was doing it for him.

Charlie pov

"Mike ive made a desison- i want to go ahead with the complaint" I told him. "What complaint?" may-lie asked from behind me as she walked in i closed the door amd sat down.

"I think it should be you to tell her charlie" he said as inodded. "I'm putting in a formal complait againat you. I know it was a mistake, but it hurt me alot when everyone found out. No ones ever foumd out- kids wise i meam" i replyed.

"Theres nothing i can say to change your mimd is there?" she asked as i looked up, my eyes threating to cry and i shook my head.

"I respect your desions. I didn't even look to see if anyone was arround and thats on me" she replued.

"Im going to ring social up- get someone arround to talk to you about the compalint, wich will proably only lead to a disciplinary or tempry forced leavd" he told me

"I dont want you scaked, im just hurt" i told her as she nodded.


Chloe pov

I came back from my group session to charlie and ryan jokeing arround in my room."I better go" ryan said standing up glaring at me. "You can syay" i replyed. "And...why woud i want todo that?" he scowled walking out.

"What were you talking to ryan about?" i asked. "Nothing much. Hes funy"she replyed. "I thought you hated us all" i replyed. "Uer well...ryan told me things, he gets things!" she replyed. "Like what" i asked. "Mental health" she awnserd

fixable - A Dumping ground ryan Reeves Fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now