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Fixed? Chapter 6

Please read authors note at the end✨
Chloe pov

It was the next day and i hadn't had chance to speak to ryan. It was breakfast right now and charlie had refused to wake up, along with throwing verbal abuse at me. As expected everyone, espeialy tyler had spent the whole moring slagging her off. Including me. It wasn't normaly my style but she annoyed me.

As soon as breakfast was over ryan went to go to the living room but i grabbed his arm.

"What do you want !" he hissed.

"I.i. Juat though...maby...after yesterday, you could atleast consider to forgive me?" i asked neversly looking down.

He chukled as i looked up and he gave a deat stair.

"Sorry ar you being serious" he asked in a coky manor as i nodded shyly and he suddenly turned much more spikful and hostile.

"Your perfetic. I didn't help you, i was trying to get rid of you. Ive already asked for a trasnfur but mike refused. So no i don't want to be your brother. Go cry to mike or something" he hissed.

" dosnt matter" i mumbled goimg off.

As i went towards my room mike was walking towarde there too.

"Mike...did ryan ask for a trasnfur" i asked sheepishly.

"Yer. It was refused om the grounds that we dont like siblings spliting up" he replyed as i nodded going togo into my room but mike stoped me.

"Charlies asleep" he told me.

"And its my room" i replyed as he sighed.

"I know....she just need sleep. If you go in just be quiet" he toldme as i nodded.

Charlie pov

I woke up looking at my phone. I hadn't got to sleep till late but id slept over 12 houer. I clearly needed it.

I slowly got up stretching. It would be arround dinner now so i desided to have a wash over the sink and get changed. I knew i wouldnt manage a bath or shower as i was in so much pain but i felt like rubish after sleeping for so long so i needed to freshen up. Wasn't like i was planning togo anywhere.

I relised all the things from earler had been tiderd up and my wadrobe was up. I opend it up to see my cloths had been put in! I tryed to ignore it but naturally it put me in a bit of a mood.

I chose to ware my baggy pink crybaby jumper with a red shirt underneath and a black lether skater skier along with thick black tigths with skulls on them.


I didnt bother putting anny makeup on but just tieing my hair up in a messy pony and puting on my favirot choker. However ill i was if i got chamged id alwase ware it.

I slowly made my way downstairs not wanting to use the  stairlift, despite my health.

"Lunch haa finished" tyler hissed as i walked  into the kitchen. "O its ok, i saved yours" may-lie said as i thanked her."if that was me you wouldnt of saved it!" he snapped having a biscet.

"I said no biscte!" she replyed as he sighed throwing his hands up in frustration and barging me. "Just ignore it" she told me. "Its my faut. I hit him" i replyed."yer well your grounded and weve docked your money for that' she replyed. "Yer well hes carrying it on" i sighed. "The kids here are great realy" she awnserd. "Im sure they are...but its just not home yet" i replyed. "Give it time. You've been here 2 days" she replyed. "And all ive done is sleep, have a fight, baricade my self in my room, ha a pannic attack sleep some more and be moody" i sighed. "You have fibro and mental health its expected" shr rellyed.

"Whatd fibro?" fin asked waljinh in with floss but im pritty sure others heard there question.

"You told them!"i exclaimed shocked.

"Im sorry. I didn't se-

"GET AWAY FRIM ME!" i shoutd storming into my room. Tears tricking down my face.

Chloe pov
I eas in my room doing work when charlie stormed in, in tears. '"Whats wrong? i asked. "What would you care!" she smapped."ill get may-lie" i awnserd knowing mike was busy. "DONT YOU DARE GET HET! SHE CAUSED THIS"she shouted hysterically as i rushed out to get mike.

He was in the office on the phone when i bursr in. "Sorry but its Charlie and shes refusing to see may-lie" i said pannicking as he followed...

A/n who do you blame for tdg finding out about charlies fibro (fibromyalgia) and mental health. For those of you who don't know about fibro its a chronic pain condition n if you want to find out more just Google it ir ask me. I dont have fibro but i have cps wich is similar and i have  friends that have fibromyalgia. I also have mental health so if you ever want to know more or want support on these issues my DM is open💕

fixable - A Dumping ground ryan Reeves Fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now