tierd chats

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Fixable? Chapter 5

Ryan pov

"Well what did she say?" chloe asked. "I think shes asleep" i replyed. "Climb thought the window or something!" she replyed. "You can't do it so don't expect others todo it!" i snapped walking away.

Soon enought it was tea and everyone but charlie piled into the kitchen. It was curry night wich i wasnt the bigfest fan of. I sat pushing it arround my plate. I couldnt eat woth my mind so full. I was a big foody person but not when i couldnt think stressed. Like evryone else i guess. That was one thing "normal" about me.

After tea i was aproched by chloe. Again.

"I've already tryed. And not for you" i hissed.

"Please ryan!" she negged.

"No. I hate you so im not doing anything for you" i replyed.

"Do you know how much leway i give you! I put up with you having ago! I get your upset but so is charlie!" she anapped.

"If your such a nice person you sort it then!" i snapped.

"Im not saying that!" she snapped.

"Fine im going. But dont talk to me again. Were not realted!" i snapped walking off.

Charlie pov

I woke up to someone nocking. "W.who is it?" i mumbled.

"Its ryan chloes sister. Can we talk?" he asked.

"If your gonna tell me to let hat bitch-

"No. I hate her my self. But it's not about her" he wnered

"Why do you care?" i asked.

"I dont. But chloe wont shut up and you know how annoying she is" he anwserd.

"I might take a wile" i told him.

"Ive got all night i guess" he replyed as i slowly crawled over to the mirror i fixed myself as i slowly stood up winsing in pain.

"You ok in  there?" he asked.

"Fine" i amwsers though the pain.

It took about 10 munits for me to het up and unbraicade the door letting him in.

"Your the boy who held me beck" i remarked shocked.

"Yer well you have to pretemd to care" he replyed as we walked to my bed. I fell getting there but he didnt say anthing.

"Whos this?" he questuoned getting my photo album of the bed.

"No one" i replyed grabbing it off him.

"Secretive are we?" he asked rasing an eye brow.

"Well there's no point. Everyine knows im a psycho now!" i sobed

"So what Your just gonna mope arround feeling sorry for yourself!" he snapped.

"Ryan get lost" i sighed.

"Well its the truth" he replyed as i sighed

"Maby i am. What you gping to do about it!" I snapped.

"Nothing. But your just gonna get yourself in shit you dont even understand now if you dont let chloe in. Youve been stupid letting me in, its not gping to help your case...belive me im worse then chloe" he awnserd.

"Just leave" i replyd as he turned arround to go out ad left.

"Chloe!" i called as she came in. "I sont want to talk, im realy tierd but...juat comein" i told her as she did, trying not to run any of the mess over wixh was starting to bug me but i was to tierd and in too much pain todo anything.

Boy it had been a long first day, but id had worse...

fixable - A Dumping ground ryan Reeves Fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now