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Fixable? Chapter 2

Chloe pov

I woke up remebring the event of yesterday. Remebring his words.

Your no sister to me

Despite the comemnt spinning in my head i got  up to shower. Once i had showers i changed into some legging and a pink floral jumper. As i had only selpt 5 houers as it was So i was very upset and tiered. I then went back to my room dowsatirs to dry my hair and braid it. It wore me out but it meant that when i was ill i disnt have to come down for food as i was already down and most of the time using the stait lift was no problem.

As i braied my hair i could hear people makeing there way doen to breakfast. That was the probalme wirh having a down stairs room - no quiet!

As i went out of my room mike called me into the office. "Chloe...youve got a letter off your mum" he told me."thanks" i said going out, makeing sure ryan didmt see me.

Ever since id come id still been receving letters off her and i replyed to some of them. I hadnt told Ryan because i knew he hated her. And i got that, she wasn't my favirot person either- but she was still my mum. I went back into my room to hide the letter away before heading into the kitchen.

The only seat was next to ryan.

Should of seen that one comeing!

As i tucked my wheelchair in ryan he glad at me. "Why you sitting her" he spat,wispring so only i could here.

I lost it.

I get he was gping though a hard time.

I get that.

But the fact that mum was more keen to sepak to me then him - that said a lot.

"Ill go then shoud i! Cus no ones good enough for you are they!" i spat back going off.

"Chloe where you going ?" mike asked.

"What dose it matter, i cant go far can I" i spat, trying to stay strong so that the tears didnt tricjle down my face.

As soon as i got to my room they did. They poored down. I was shaking and crying like mad.

Your no sister of mine

But he was my brother. Hed hurt me, yet i fogave him. I tryed to help him - what did i get! Him throwing it in my face.


I was still layed on my bed when he nocked my door. Unfornanly it wasn't ryan. It was mike. I wiped awaythe tears the best i could before sitting up and saying "come in" in the cherpest voice i could.

"What happend between you and ryan?" he asked.

"Nothing" i replyed looking away.

"I got you this. It my help" he told me passing a leaflet.

"I'll look though it" i told him as he nodded

"Also...theres a new girl moving in...shes  sharing with you" he told me.

"Whys shes staying down here. Im not being funny is she in a wheelcair or not?" ia sked.

"No. No walking aids or anything like that" he said.

"Then whys she sharing with me? She can have her own room. I dont need people in my space" i replyed.

"She needs to be down her. Simple as" he replyed as i sighed and bargend with him. In the end i got an houer extra on the computer and no choures for 2 weeks. Mike was alwaee excepting if i couldnt do them but i  alwase felt bad so this way i didn't have todo them for 2 weeks and i had more computer time


Charlie's pov
I looked at my self in the mirror one last time. I was whering a black knitted jumper with a blue mini skirt and thick black  tights on wich had thin white  horizontal thin striped on them . I had my faivrot choker on with My baggy demin jacket on and dark purple fake docks on.

I also had dark galaxy inspierd eyeshadow on with thick eyelined and dark lipsick. I had  put my hair in a messy bun and my blue and grey tie dye site cases was next to me.

"You finaly leaving then!" bella snapped walking into my room.

"Whats it to you!" i hissed

"I'm just happy i dont have to see you. Your a bitch. That dosnt change when you move!" she snapped.

"Your just jelous. And you have no reason to be" i hisses.

"Im not jelous of you. Juat the fact you get away with anything. No one diedvand made you queen. You deserved nothing that you got!" she spat.

"I defently didn't deaurve tou bitchy comments" i spat earning a hard slap as she pushrd me against the wall.

"Your worthless scum" she  wispers sharply in my ear

"Yer well you nevr have to see this worthless sucm bag bitch ever again" i mumerd though the tears that strated to run down my cheak.

"Good!" she snapped chuking me against my bed as pain sereged though me. It wasn't that hard but it hurt like mad.

I got up slowly as there was a nock on the door. "Come in"i mumbled winsing as i straightend up.

"Charlie you ok?" my social worker Becky asked.

"F.fine" i mumbled

"Ok" she said unconvinced. "Do you want me to carry your bags?" she asked as i nodded and we went to the car.

fixable - A Dumping ground ryan Reeves Fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now