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Ryan pov
I couldnt belive what i was hering. Charlie was persuwing a complaint against may-lie. Useful infomation to anyone. After ear wigging i went to go to dimner when charlie called my name.

"What?' i asked.

"We habnt spoken since las night. Have you though about what i said?" she asked.

"Im not luckly to have Chloe if thats what your asking" i awnserd.

"Fine. Suit yourself"  she spat walking into her room. I had to get hold of her file. But this time i had to mke sure i didnt get caught. Getring a paper coppy would be easer but the draw was REALY loud. Maby tonight was my only option.


Charlie pov
It was11 oclock and id woken up in pain. I went to grab myself a drink but i noticed someone was in the office. I slowly crept in turimg the light on. It was ryan

He jumped, dropping what he had in his hand. My file. "First you use me, now you look at my file!" i snapped. "I know your  reporting mylie" he hissed "and loads more" he added. "So I'd be carful if I was you!" he concluded in a thearing tone.

"You dont scare me!" i spat.

"And you dont know me. So dont try anything!"he spat nack.

"I could threaten you. I know aboutyour mental health! But i wouldn't. You talk about hating adults being in controle, your just jeloous because your no longer in controle are you. No ones beliving your lyes any more! You act so hard but your the same as us. Youve read my file. Id kill to see my siblings again. Greyes 5 now" i hissed

"One its suspected mental health and two if youd kill why dont you read there letters" he spat.

"Yer well. I habnt had any for weeks anyway. So what dose it matter!" i hissed though tears storming off and out the house.

Ryan pov

As soon as charlie left chloe came in. "I know you dont do thinga without a reason. Why did you steel her file?" she asked.

"She said to much" i replyed.

"Ryan this has to stop. Why cant you see what its doing to you. That night, your made a promise rember" she reminded me.

"Before you broke my trust!" i spat.

"This isnt about me!" she hissed as mike came down.

"Both of you, ill speak to tou in the moring!" he said sternly.

"And chatlie. Shes walked out the house" i told him as chloe shook her head

"Ill sort that out my self. Both of you in my office in the moring" he snapped as we both walked off.

Charlie pov

Id only got about 2 muinys away before i sat down. I was in too much pain emotialy and phisicaly to carry on. I juat sat and cryed.

fixable - A Dumping ground ryan Reeves Fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now