Chapter 32: Sunsets

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Heyo people of wattpad! I still have one more exam left :) yay I guess. Idk. Just enjoy this chapter :P

maDi waDi


As Kiara stood there, watching the man she had to spend the rest of her life, all she could do was follow him and look around at the new world.

Kiara had always wanted to go to Africa, she just wished this was real, because this is no vacation.

She remembered her dreams of running through the high grass and she could see all the animals bowing down to her as she smiled upon them. It was one if her happier dreams.

She kept walking, Cecil and Ryan on either side of her, she realized this part on Africa was more civilized than her dream as she ran through the safari.

Before she could ask any questions Cecil answered her as if he read her mind.

"We are in Nairobi, Kenya. Well we are in the rich area. This was the only place nearby the palace that had an airport for King Thorn." Cecil told her.

"Where is Thorn's palace?" Kiara asked as she mentally corrected her as it was Leo's rightful palace.

" It is just ... um i think northwest of here. But it is on the outside of this city, it is out in the wilderness." Cecil put in.

"Why?" Ryan asked wanting to be a part of the conversation.

"Because our kind doesn't really like to get human involved. We tend to lose cotrol and end up biting them ... I don't know why though." Cecil said leaving himself in thought.

"What do you mean biting them? You turn them?" Kiara asked shocked.

"Yeah, just look at me." Ryan snorted, but with no humor as he gave Cecil a death stare.

"Guys, I really don't want to hear you argue. Especially not now." Kiara said nodding her head towards Thorn's back.

"Sorry." they both muttered in sync. Kiara smiled at herself for making them shut up, but she kinda missed hearing them now that there was silence.

The silence was finished when Thorn suddenly turned around and stared directly at Kiara.

"You, missy, will be coming with me, while these two," Thorn turned his gaze to Cecil and Ryan, "will be riding in a different car. You and me will be alone in ours." Thorn said looking back at Kiara as he flashed a grin.

If Kiara didn't know what Thorn was capable of, she would have fallen head over heels at his little gesture.

He was absolutely gorgeous, she admitted then she added, to bad it's going to waste.

When a black sleek Lincoln Limousine pulled up in front of the group, Kiara could already feel her mouth drop.

"This is our ride." Thorn said bringing Kiara back to reality.

"And we are to ride alone. With out you two. Understand?" Thorn added pointing at Cecil and Ryan again.

Before Ryan or Cecil could protest, Thorn gently pushed Kiara into the car while he soon quickly followed leaving Cecil and Ryan standing there with glum faces. Kiara couldn't help but smile at the two. As Thorn ordered the driver to take them to his palace Kiara started to think about Cecil.

Kiara was shocked at how easily she had forgiven Cecil, because it was him that chased after her and also 'transformed' Ryan into one if them. She was also shocked that she had grown a liking for him as a friend. Cecil always made sure he was giving her information and always taking care of her safety. But Kiara still knew she would have to be careful around him. He was still an enemy.

"Are you going to sit there and not talk to me?" Thorn asked Kiara in wonder.

"Well you are the one that kidnapped me and hired to people to capture me and kill Leo. So um I don't think I should talk to you." Kiara said with as much attitude as she could muster.

With a low seductive laugh, Thorn turned and glanced out the window admiring the beautiful sun set.

Kiara would have enjoyed it to, but Thorn was in her view, and he was the last person she wanted to look at.

"Leo's not dead." Thorn said breaking the silence.

In awestruck, Kiara stared at him as if he had said the weirdest thing ever. Well he kind of did.

"What?" Kiara asked curiously.

"Who 'killed' him again?" Thorn asked still looking at the sunset.


"And what rank is this Tobias?" Thorn asked again in boredom.


"Exactly. Leo's men are too loyal."

"But I saw and heard Tobias shoot Leo!" Kiara screamed. As much as she wanted to believe him she knew he was just messing with her to see how much Leo and her connected.

"You saw Leo's bloody head with a bullet in it?" Thorn asked curious turning away from the window.

"No but I saw his still body." Kiara put in quietly.

"He's not dead." Thorn said, "As much as I want him to be, he's not." He added.

When a silence fell upon them, it lasted for about two hours of them looking out the windows and making small talks, but before they turned the corner for them to finally reach the Palace, Thorn turned to Kiara and tapped her shoulder.

"What?" Kiara asked with poison in her tone.

"Don't get too comfortable in our bed, because later in tonight---"Thorn started before Kiara interrupted.

"Tonight? It's already 8:47." Kiara pointed out.

"Will you let me finish?" Thorn growled as his eyes shone with little flickers of red.


"Good. Anyway, as I was saying, there will be a grand ball for you return later on tonight. I already have a dress picked out for you along with shoes and accessories."

"How do you know my size?" Kiara asked a bit creeped out.

"Kiara. I had men track everyday when we finally found you. I know your size." Thorn told her, again turning and looking out the window.

Now Kiara was more than creeped out. She was terrified.

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