I- Make way for High School

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(A/N: This is set in the big house--- mansion—manor.)

LeoValdezat the multimedia

Leo’s PointOfView

So, here we are. In this big mother mansion 6 blocks away from Stanford University, the school the gods chose for us.

The mansion has a golden gate that’s 7 feet from the ground. A pool and a flowerbed at the backyard. Another pool and the biggest garden at the front yard.

The door was silver and gold. (Probably Apollo and Artemis)

There were 12 doors that were on the 3rd floor. One for each of us. A restroom for each. Each room was plain white and there was a ton of paint buckets. Probably because we will design the rooms.

We found a list of each room in order:

Guest Room: Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano

Room 1: Annabeth Chase

Room 2: Rachel Elizabeth Dare

Room 3: Nicholas Johann di Angelo

Room 4: Jason Mark Grace

Room 5: Perseus Alec Riker Jackson

Room 6: Hazel Levesque

Room 7: Sarah Piper McLean

Room 8: Connor Grayson Stoll

Room 9: Travis Jacob Stoll

Room 10: Leo Diego Valdez

Room 11: ~tomorrow, you’ll know~

Room 12: Frank Lee Zhang

All of us boys had secrets, eh? Well, I didn’t want anyone to know my full name but since this happened...


Percy’s whole name is Perseus Alec RikerJackson? Didn’t know that till’ now.

Percy’s PointOfView

Look, I never wanted my name to be Perseus Alec Riker Jackson for the following reasons:


1)The reason why “Riker” is in it is ‘coz Ares wanted to add that and, at that time, my dad owed him.

2)A stupid birth certificate writer wrote “Alec” only because my mom called a guy named “Alec” while he was writing it.

Jason’s PointOfView


Nico’s PointOfView

I really hate it when someone writes or prints my whole name. I mean, come on! Nicholas Johann? It sucks!

I wonder who: ~Tomorrow, you’ll see~ is.

Travis and Connor’s PointOfViews (surprising?)

We really hate our full names.

Travis’ PointOfView

“Hey! Let’s play Truth or Dare!” Connor said. “Piper! I dare you too-“

“Wait.. why—-“

“It was my turn when we were interrupted. Now, Piper, Truth or Dare?”

“Dare.” She said.


“I dare you to spill Drew’s most. Private. Secret.”

“Easy. But Annabeth has to swear not to kill her for this.” Piper said.

“I swear, on the River Styx not to kill her for this secret.” Annabeth promised reluctantly.

“Okay then. Drew charmspeaks Percy on Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays to kiss her and rock her so hard, then forget what happened. That is why Percy swears on the Styx that he didn’t know how he got hickeys and he’s right.”

“WHHHUUUUUT??” Percy and Annabeth yelled.

Can’t blame them.

“Let me get this straight.” Leo said carefully. “Percy has been doing some naughty things with Drew for -what- a year? And you didn’t bother to tell us?”

“I forgot okay? Now, Percy, truth or dare?”

Percy (who is still in shock) didn’t think and carelessly said: “Uh..Dare?”

"I dare you to act, be and feel like a bad boy in school for the whole year."I said.

Percy’s PointOfView


All of them thought it was funny. Be like that for the whole year? Be like the boss and the hearthrob of the school? Be the one in black leather jacket, aviator glasses and boots? It’s like you’re asking me to tear up my dignity.

"C'mon Percy. Imagine how you'll look." Hazel teased.

"*sniffle* How nice of Piper." Connor said.

"Guys," Jason cut. "Tomorrow is the first day of school. If Percy is--"

"We know right. But... how will we convince him?" Frank asked.

"HECATE!" Hazel and Reyna said, in unison.

"I can also charmspeak!" Piper interrupted.

"Reyna?" Hazel questioned.

"Yeah?" Reyna replied.

"Hecate has that potion right?"

"Yes, she has. The bad boy potion."

"And I'm supposed to drink that?" I startled.

It was all against my will.

"Let's get the potion first." Annabeth insisted.

Hazel and Reyna stood up and walked then they vanished. After the next minute, They came back with a blood colored potion.

"Hecate said this will make it work when you wake up tomorrow." Hazel said.

They made me drink the potion. It made me a little tipsy, but, the hallucinations subsided to a stop.

After that, everyone went to their rooms and slept. Wonder what I'll be tomorrow....

Percy Jackson : Bad boy in High School (AU) DEAD STORYWhere stories live. Discover now