V- Battle of my Band

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Percy Jackson at the multimedia

PERCY'S POV (Skipped to second school week)

The Lunch bell rang. The boys and I went to the bulletin board 'cause Leo wanted to show us something and we already ate our lunches at class.

"Hey, guys, check it out!" Leo said. I wish he could not have said that. His finger was pointing on a really long poster.

Jason chuckled. "'Battle of the Bands'? Seriously, Leo? Your honestly excited on that?"

Frank and Nico burst out laughing. I just stood there, disgusted. I can remember the last time I did that. Eight Grade. Girl Attack. Minor Injury. Let's just say that it’s a bad memory.

"Guys," Leo whispered. We leaned in so we could hear. "I hacked the school account to see our ECA's(Extra Curriculars) and it is not good. Especially Percy's. This is a Leo-Guaranteed score earner. I mean, who would stand a chance against the Top 5 hottest guys in school?"

"Okay. 1. Where the :#censored#: did you inherit the 'Top 5' thingy?" I asked. (A.N. Sorry for the bad language)

"When in Hades did you learn to say that?" Nico said.

"Uh.. Girl Sites. I once checked for dates, man." Leo cut in.

"Two Words. Eight. Grade." I reminded them.

"Oh... right." Frank said. "But you’re a junior, Percy... You came from hell and came back, literally. Minor injuries are the least of your problems."

"And besides," Jason cut. "Leo's right. I'm dead at my ECA. You should work on it too, Perce."

"I can't believe I'm saying this but,” Nico took a deep breath. "I'm in."

And, just like that, Leo started signing his name at the "group" section. Then Nico(he hesitated at first but then, okay.). Then Frank. Then Jason. Not me.

"Oh, c'mon Percy. It says here that 5 is minimum. FIVE!" Jason said.

"Yeah." Nico and Frank said.

"Jason can do the drums, right?" asked Leo.

"Yep. I'm pretty good." Jason replied, doing drum routines and whatnot.

"I do guitars." Frank said.

"I can play a piano." Nico suggested.

Leo suddenly got excited. "I can do effects and remix!!"

"I do nothing." I joked. They all got to their thinking faces which meant: Uh-oh.

Suddenly, they all snapped their fingers at once.

"YOU CAN BE THE VOCALIST." They said, in unison which is very rare.

"Say WHAT?" I protested. "But--"

"Percy! You're really really good at singing man! Remember that karaoke we had on camp? You won the singing contest 6 times in a row." Leo insisted.

"Yeah," Nico smiled. "I remember at one year, you were almost ALWAYS intermission number in camp activities."

"I agree." Frank started.

"Plus many girls will be voting if you join." Jason mocked.

Then the girls: Annabeth, Piper, Reyna and Hazel came.

“Hey! What are ya’ doing?” Piper said.

“Trying to convince Percy to sign up in the Battle of the Bands.” Leo said.

“Any luck?”

Leo shook his head.

"I KNOW! Here, sign in as vocalist or," Hazel took out a phone from her bag. It was an iPhone 5 with sequinned silicon cover. It has the skull-designed letters: A-P-P-L-E. Apple’s phone. Oh great.

"Annabeth put a fake message that from you that read: I. Love. You. So unless you want Ms. I-am-so-popular to see this, sign up." Reyna said, strictly. I sighed. Go out with Apple or Battle of the Bands? I go with Battle of the Bands. So I just cursed in Greek and signed my name at the poster.

They all seem contented while I'm groaning miserably by the board. Annabeth deleted the message.

Then suddenly, the bell rang which means.. Last 3 periods.

My next period for a Tuesday is Math with Leo and Reyna. The best in Math in the whole campus. The way to communicate with them was to write on papers. This time, I started. Everytime we do this, we use our code names so that when the paper is seen, the teacher won't know who did it.

KelpHead: Hey, @RepairBoi? When is the Battle of the Bands?

RepairBoi: Friday this week is the elimination to three: Solo, Duo, Group

PraetoRome: Good Luck @RepairBoy.

KelpHead: O_O You're DATING??

RepairBoi: Yep! She's great! :3

PraetoRome: He's kinda' cute.

KelpHead: *facepalm* Neptune's Lucky Fishing Hat....

RepairBoi: O_O Oh...

PraetoRome: What is it?

KelpHead: I may be stupid sometimes but, you do remember sophomore year, don't you @RepairBoi?

RepairBoi: @KelpHead YOU WOULDN'T DARE TELL...

PraetoRome: @RepairBoi What?!

KelpHead: Well.... @PraetoRome There is this one thing..

That's until Leo tore off the paper. And then the teacher, Mr. Ramsbottom (DESPICABLE ME 2... I was hysterical at this. I kept tumbling over, laughing.) funny name, told us a group work by three. Of course, I grouped up with Leo and Reyna as usual and started. Leo was kind of silent so I just apologized about the paper.


Social Studies with Piper. Great. Same Routine. Paper.

BeautyQueen: How's the vocalist? @KelpHead

DeathBreath: Tell me again why this is my codename?

KelpHead: @BeautyQueen Do NOT call me vocalist. @DeathBreath No change until someone like BQ told you so.

BeautyQueen: @KelpHead Change your codename to Vocalist

DeathBreath: LOL :D

Vocalist: uhh...... Piper.. How did you learn to CharmWrite? anyway?

BeautyQueen: It’s in the ink. :D

DeathBreath: I'm liking the Vocalist's codename. Should I post it on Twitter?

Vocalist: FOLLOW BACK YOU GUYS! And I really hate this codename...

BeautyQueen: What's his Twitter anyway?

DeathBreath: I just remembered that I'm supposed to be SOPHOMORE!

Vocalist: So THAT was what I was supposed to remember...

BeautyQueen: Let's play Truth or Dare later...


Greek with everyone except Nico.

This time.. we don't DO papers. We just.. talk in ANCIENT Greek.

[I really hate this... Do you get the part where you suddenly delete the WHOLE chapter? Well that is what happened. I really don’t remember.. sorry guys.]


We got to our cars. Mine is my green super cool Spyder, of course. When we got to our house, Leo told us only 3 sentences:

1) Change your clothes.

2) Piper, charmspeak Percy to sing well later.

3) Get ready for band practice at the garage in 5 minutes because there will be a LOT of girls.

Percy Jackson : Bad boy in High School (AU) DEAD STORYWhere stories live. Discover now