XIV- Of torn shirts and missing shoes

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Hey guys. Been busy. Exams are actually on going but was feeling compassionate so... yeah. tried.

This story... is about to end. BUT! But, drumroll please!


was considering on making sequel. So... do you want or should leave you guys in the last chapter?

Just an advanced question.

Okay? Okay. On with the chapter!

Nico's PointOfView

A roar from above sent my knees shaking like Hades. My weapon suddenly became heavy in my hand. My teammates were nervous for the upcoming battle upon us. It made me wonder:

How did get myself in this stupid battle? This stupid war is interrupting my 3 projects and 2 home works.

The competition was up to three. North Wind (Guess where that came from and I'll dedicate the next chapter to you!) , The Wolves and us, Styx.

The microphone was taken by Annabeth, the she gave it to Percy. The two of them smiled at each other courageously. Good for them.

I breathed as Katheryn made her way to me.





She then hugged me.

I hugged back.

"Break a leg, Neeks."

"Thanks. I'll need it."

"You do know that means 'good luck', right?"


I felt Kath's laugh vibrate on my neck. Her smell of cinnamon intoxicating my breathing.

"May the gods be ever in your favor." she said.

"Let's just hope that there are no peacekeepers in the crowd." I replied.

Someone, Leo, I think, coughed from behind us. We broke apart and glared at Leo shamelessly.

Percy Jackson : Bad boy in High School (AU) DEAD STORYWhere stories live. Discover now