XVI- Sweet 18th

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well... Yeah.

*deep breath*

This is the almost last chapter.

I'm so sorry.

This is really hard on me. Oh gosh...


This story... Is until 20 chapters only.

This is really hard...

Travis' PointOfView

Today is the day.


I'm already making preparations. Cake, IC, Birthday prank... everything!

Ahh... The things I do for that idiot.

I forgot his birthday last year so I am paying back today.

I was making a sketch on the prank then I heard a shatter.

I perked up and went out my room. Huh? Where did that come from?

I ran downstairs and found everyone laying back on the couch watching How I Met Your Mother. Don't they know Connor's birthday is today?

I decided to act natural and join their act. Sooner than I expected, small talk started.

"So, how are the glasses, Perce?" Jason asked.

"Oh, you know, troubling but cool at the same time. Annabeth tried to super glue it on my face one time." Percy laughed.

"Well, it was an annoying sight, you ordering me around." Annabeth commented.

The whole time, Connor was silent.


Alright, it was almost time.

I take out a small video recorder and narrate my next YouTube video.

9:55 pm

7 minutes 'til the exact time Connor came out of mom. The cake is done and the ice cream too. I'm pulling out some buckets from my room. Connor's alarm should be up just about 5 minutes later.

9:56 pm

ACH! The slide is creaking a little bit too loudly. Connor is awake! No! Not yet!

9:57 pm

Connie-boy called Leo to know what the noise was. Hmm... Leo, don't fail me now.

9:58 pm

Thank Leo and his sass. I've never been more grateful.

9:59 pm

He he, Connor is getting pissed. He made Leo leave and checked out the noise himself. Yes. Perfect.

10:00 pm

I've successfully put the contents of the bucket onto the slide through Leo's secret hatch.


I wait here in my room--

*someone shouts*

Haha, there it goes--AAAGGGHHHHHH!!!




10:02 pm

"Happy Birthday, you two!!"

Oh, I forgot. It was my birthday too.

Percy Jackson : Bad boy in High School (AU) DEAD STORYWhere stories live. Discover now