XVIII- Die a virgin

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Ha! Surprised by the chapter title?

Guess who dies a virgin?

If you guessed right when you have read the end of the chapter, tell.

I'm sad. :'( This book has been a success. I'm crying...

Anyway, I'm making a sequel since you guys are gonna kill me if I leave you all in this chapter.

And I promise that the next book will have an ACTUAL plot. And not just random ideas from a kid author.

I haven't updated in, what? A YEAR. Jegus.

Annabeth's PointOfView

Adjust. Breathe. Rub hands. And...

"Fellow students,"

I was valedictorian for this year. Percy says that it was expected for me to be, but, I have to admit, salutatorian boy (I think his name is José) was good competition.

"Thank you for everyone who supported me all the way here."

As I was saying these lines, I was looking at Percy. My awesome (don't tell him I said that) boyfriend. The potion had worn off just this morning. He's now back (sadly) to his regular self.

Just kidding. I love him like the Doctor loved Rose Tyler.

Jegus, I'm such a nerd.

"This school year had been the best year I have ever had. Well, compared to my other years, that is."

I see my dad chuckle at these words. It's true though. Compare years of monster fighting and quest completing to a year of SCHOOL.

"I made too many memories here. I'd hate to leave this school. But who are we kidding, who doesn't want to get out of school."

The audience laughs at my speech and they applause after my conclusion:

"School is where you learn the basics. But the real world is when you test out those basics."
(I don't even... -Author)

I left the stage and hug my parents. I then swam through the closing remarks of our school principal and went ahead with life.

Jason's PointOfView

It's a miracle that they convinced the directress of the school to have a party in the football field for us graduates.

The non-graduates (Katheryn and Nico) were at home just chilling and basically enjoying summer break.

Whilst the rest of us are here partying.

Styx! was responsible for music all night. We would hate to dissapoint.

This is Gospel, Check Yes Juliet, I won't let you go, Infinity and so much more were sang.

(Consider those as song reccomendations. I swear you guys will love them. Media is Infinity by AJR. BTW,I won't let you go is by Snow Patrol. -Author)

"Ow fudgecakes!" Leo shouted.
"Why? What is it?" I asked.
"This thing grounded me!" He answered, pointing to the effects board as he spoke.
"Better be careful with that then, dude." Percy said.
"I agree with you bro." I added, smirking at Leo's reaction.

Leo left us alone to "be bromantic" and we did.

"Hey Jason?"
"Yeah man? What's up?"
"I got you some broses."

Percy laughed heartily and then proceeded to look me in the eyes seriously.

"No way man! I got you some daffodudes!"

Then it was my turn to laugh.

Everything was going good. The gang and I survived highschool and everything was back to normal.

Man, I had  to jinx it.

¤♣♣ The next day ♧♧¤

"This is Macy Letter reporting. Last night, a highschool graduation in Stanford University for Batch 2014-2015 had gone wrong due to a massive fire. Eye-witnesses say that the electronics for music sparked up and started the flame.

The fire department was able to stop the fire and continued then to rescue trapped students.

So far, there have been 28 minor injuries and/or burns and three major ones. Unfortunately, there were two students that were injured very heavily and needed immediate hospital attention.

The two students are named Frank Zhang, band member of the famous Styx, and lead singer: Percy Jackson--"

Annabeth turned off the television shaking.

"Oh Percy..." Annabeth whispered.

End of Percy Jackson: Badboy in High School


Dont kill me yet. You need a sequel from me.

Percy Jackson : Bad boy in High School (AU) DEAD STORYWhere stories live. Discover now