VII- This party is over

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So, yeah. I left you with a small cliffy. Now, I’m trying my hardest to give you guys good-enough-for-at-least-2000-reads updates. So, please vote for my chapters, and private message me if you have suggestions. Any story. If you also want to co-write “Senatus Populosque Romanus” with me, just ask and tell me why I should let you co-write it. Mmkay? Okay. BTW, no co-writing “Percy Jackson: Bad Boy in HS”. Suggestions only. Now, that’s clear. Let’s continue with the story. Be sure to have a glass of water with you. You might need it along the way through the story…

Aphrodite’s PointOfView

I have a new OTP. And I’d like to mess with this a bit more than I have in the Trojan war…

Don’t get me wrong… I love Percabeth. I’ve just grown quite tired of them and decided on a new thing.

What should I do…?

Katheryn is already on her plan to getting on a rough start. Nico’s playing with her… I’ll probably make something to—


Annabeth… Katheryn… Nico… Percy… the band is having a party on Saturday on full house…

Hmm… This’ll be quite interesting. Interesting, indeed.

Katheryn’s PointOfView

The party is giving me a royal headache.

Leo suddenly announced a victory party for their concert today when they arrived on their private jet (Yes, they have a freaking JETPLANE.) on Thursday.

And now, here we are.

All of them were wasted for drinking too much. Hell, even Annabeth. Reyna, thankfully, just got stoned.

Piper and Jason are making out on the counter and are starting to shed their clothes. Leo and Reyna are out somewhere doing who-knows-what.

I, being responsible, managed to take Percy and Annabeth to their rooms. Nico too. And Hazel and Frank. Rachel too. Connor and Travis managed to get to sleep in the guest room. Yeah.

“Jason, take your business to your room. I don’t even think I can eat there anymore…”
“Eh, Piper likes it here.” He just said. I sighed.
“Piper, take your oh-so-precious business to a more private place or I’ll never give back your CharmWrite Pen.”
“Then do so… I don’t care.”
“Suit your self—“
“I was kidding! My beautiful pen…! Carry me back, Jacey-wacey!” She giggled, holding out her arms as if she were to hug someone.
“Yeah, sure, my lady…” Jason stated, lazily saluting, before taking Piper bridal style to her room but not before stumbling once or twice.

I hesitated. Then laughed my arse off.

I couldn’t take it anymore!

After recovering, I quickly told everyone that the party is over and leave before searching for Reyna and Leo.


I finally found Leo.
By the pool.
In only his orange boxers.
Wearing a floater.
Singing “Radioactive” by Imagine Dragons chorus over and over again.
Constantly putting his fists on fire.

I *wheeze* can’t *laugh* stop *giggle* LAUGHING!


A sword, a hammer and a belt later… I finally calmed and took Valdez into his room to sleep.

Reyna wasn’t hard to find especially when she wasn’t too drunk.

I finally thought: Rest at freaking last until I saw the house.


Can we just talk about that? Can we just talk about that? Mess.

Funny string and beer bottles everywhere!

I’m gonna kill them if they don’t clean up my house.

“They are so dead.” I murmured.

I decided to see the rooms if they still haven’t have any plans to do something not in my liking. Right now, I’m the one in charge; I’m the only one in my right mind at this moment.

I see Annabeth sleeping silently, which is good for me.
Rachel’s holding up well in her room.
Hmm, Nico’s not in his room. I’ll look for him later.
Piper is sleeping in Jason’s room. Where’s Jason…?
Percy is not in his room too. Wonder where he is…
Hazel’s not in her room—she’s with Frank.
Piper was in Jason’s room.
Connor and Travis fell asleep in the guest room down the second floor… where Reyna should be…
Pfft, Reyna’s in Travis’ room…
Leo is in his room… not exactly on his bed… maybe on the floor…
My room is empty.
Frank and Hazel are in their room. Frank’s room…

Then I scavenged for the other three boys.


Huh, I didn’t find them anywhere in the house. Where are they?

I decided to watch some CD’s while waiting for at least one of them to show up.

Romeo and Juliet: No.
Sucker Punch: Already watched that…
17 again: No. Watched that dozens of times.
Catching Fire: Nah.
Finding Nemo: I’m not Percy.
Suicide Room: Gosh, I love that but no.
Percy Jackson: The Lightning thief: Mm, I’ll try this.

I was about to put the disk on until I heard screaming.

No. Not the kind of help-me-I’m-in-big-trouble kind of scream. It was the we-are-having-the-best-make-out-session-ever scream.

“I’m gonna come!”

*eye twitch* Uh--


I’m gonna puke.

“Harder. Harder!”

My innocence! It’s breaking!

“Take it off!”

That is it! I’ve had enough! I’m gonna go up there and find out who is keeping me from  watching Percy’s first quest!

I finally got to the scene of the crime.

It wasn’t who I was expecting.

So I just stood by the doorway of my room, mouth open wide, watching Jason, Percy and Nico having a drunken threesome.
On my bed.
Covered in cum.
Completely naked.

And I don’t think I could sleep in peace on my bed anymore.


To say that I was shocked was an understatement.

I mean, sure they were drunk but that, that was not cool.

So I was staring at the three of them mindlessly having the time of their lives thinking that what they were doing was okay and won’t hurt anyone.

Well, that’s a good way of putting it…

Should I tell or should I not…?

They’ll probably remember one of these days. I’ll tell tomorrow but… how will I break it to them?

Hey! Did you know that Percy, Jason and Nico had sex after the party? They were so drunk that—No.
Guys… I saw that Percy, Jason and Nico had a threesome at my room at the party since they drunk—Too poor.
I don’t know how to tell you guys but… Jason accidentally had drunken sex with Nico and Percy at the party yesterday—Yes!

I wonder what Annie and Pipes will think…

Percy Jackson : Bad boy in High School (AU) DEAD STORYWhere stories live. Discover now