III- At the first page

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Nicoat the multimedia

Dedicated to Dj_jd_x for her comments. Lifts me up everytime. :)

Nico’s PointOfView

So, yeah, my crush just walked inside with her luggage and put it in the vacant room.

So she’s the one we’re waiting for, I thought.

Oh! Did I say crush? I-I-I meant.. uh.. friend? Ah, who am I kidding?

Anyway, They all looked at each other and rushed to their rooms except for Piper and Percy who already have their bags ready. I have mine too.

“You like her, don’t you?” Piper said. I looked at her like she was crazy. Little did I know that Percy was smirking.

“Why are you smirking?” I asked him.

“You’re blushing.” He simply answered. My eyes widened.

Of course I’m blushing.

“Ya’ know, you could just tell her.” Percy suggested.

“Easy for you to say. Annabeth likes you back. Katheryn doesn’t.” I reasoned.

“Yes she does. I asked her once.”

She does? Serious?” I smiled. They both laughed.

“Of course not. If Kelp Head did, he’d be in the infirmary for ‘bout two days. But I’m sure she likes you back.” Piper said cheerfully.

I looked at her.

“Okay. Maybe she doesn’t like you back, but hey! Things can change. One day, she’ll just realize that you love her and she loves you back. Yes, she might play hard-to-get. But you’ll do anything right?” Piper advised.


Maybe she had a point.


“Okay. Maybe she doesn’t like you back, but hey! Things can change. One day, she’ll just realize that you love her and she loves you back. Yes, she might play hard-to-get. But you’ll do anything right?”


Piper’s words hit me like a bucket of cold water. I was eavesdropping by the stairs with Annabeth’s Yankees cap. (I “borrowed” it)

So a plan formulated in my mind.

To be honest. I liked Nico (I call him “Neeks”) too.

Operation Hard-to-get

Step 1: Step-up and tell them: I heard that.

“I heard that.” I said, as I walked down the stairs.

Nico covered his face with a pillow and screamed, kicking the air. Percy face palmed while smiling. Piper sucked her breath.

“You really thought that I was that stupid? There is only one answer--”

“Yes?” Percy suggested.

I stuck my tongue at him then Nico shut his eyes.

“What?” I asked him.

“He thinks you’re cute that way.” Piper said.

“Whatever. Let’s just go to school.”

I got my bag, nudged Nico, called the others and went.


Nico’s PointOfView


Panic 101: What to do when in panic and with a crowd of seven

1.  Scream F’s at a pillow

“Stop screaming F’s at the pillow. It has feelings!” Leo kidded.

“He’s doing Panic 101, don’t worry Hazel.” Percy said.

2.  Pull your knees together and sob helplessly.

-Travis: “I never thought I’d see him like this..”

“Since he’s always angry or sad.” Connor finished

   3. Give them the worry-giving look

“What’s wrong, Nico? You can tell us.” Hazel said.

“You don’t understand.” I muttered.

“I do.” Said a girl’s voice. The voice was sweet and kinda’ sounded like Katheryn. I looked and gasped.


4.  This part… I don’t know. A goddess is in it, though.

“Nico, she’s playing hard-to-get.”

“Knew it!” Percy exclaimed.

“So you should play it slow too. Get her some gifts, know her more, walk her sometimes, those kinda’ things.” Aphrodite suggested.

“Who’s ‘her’?” Rachel asked.

“Katheryn Xalower, the one and only Ms. Bad Girl.” Piper answered.

“Oh. We better get to school-“

“We’re late already!” Leo screamed.

Everyone rushed to their cars. I decided to take Aphrodite’s advice.

I took the Red Maserati with Katheryn. Me: driving. Katheryn: passenger seat. Everyone who passed by us either winked at me or gave a thumbs up.

I blushed.

This is gonna be one helluva day.

Percy Jackson : Bad boy in High School (AU) DEAD STORYWhere stories live. Discover now