XIII- The thing about pain

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Frank's PointOfView

I tripped over the cables snaking out of Leo's room.

For, maybe, the hundredth time this week.

I pushed myself off the floor only to find Leo holding back his laughter.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"Nothing, nothing." he replied while walking away.

I picked up my bag and shrugged before making my way to the dining table.

Now, must I make this clear: dining HALL. Not exactly table.

I found everyone already devouring down their food.

But I noticed something else... all the other boys are fiddling with their clothes.

Percy, Nico, Jason and Leo. All four of them were dressed different.

I looked down on my clothes. Mysteriously, my closet suddenly contained the same kind of clothes: white shirt, aviator jacket and tight pants. Of course, with underwear.

That's when it hit me.

The battle of the bands... was today.

My face must've looked funny by the way everyone in the room stared at me.

"Just remembered?" Percy asked.

I only nodded in response.


As I drove to school with Hazel riding shotgun, I thought of how we were supposed to win.

I silently prayed to Apollo and every music and dance god I can think of and hoped for the best.


"You okay?" Hazel asked me.

"Yeah. I guess." I answered.

"Don't worry. I'll be right there." Hazel comforted, smiling to me.

My death grip on the steering wheel loosened a bit when I heard that.


As soon as we got to school, everyone we met said their "Good luck"s and their "Break a leg"s.

Oh sugar honey iced tea, we're not ready yet! I thought.

Hazel held my hand a little gentler and rubbed circle on my palm.

"Frank, breathe." she said.

I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding.


"Yes, Frank?"

"My knees feel weak. And my stomach hurts."


"Please make it stop."

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"That's the thing about pain, it demands to be felt."

Should I stop there?
Haha, sorry. I already did.

At least I updated, correct?

Anyway, I am really sorry for not updating for a long time.

That's it, I guess. Thanks for reading this suck-y chapter. Please be patient with me.

Love you all!


P.S. This chapter and the quote is inspired from "The Fault in our stars" by John Green.

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