XII- The talk in a dream of a Percy

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Hey, guys, it is I, Lelouch Vi Brittania. Kidding. (10 points if you guess where that came from.)

So, anyways, this is the chapter I promised. Thanks so much for all the positive comments on the last chapter. I really loved it!

The role-play is called: “Percy Jackson Fandom Role Play “  and I hope you guys like it! It will consist of Camp Jupiter, Camp Half-Blood, and even Olympus. Basically, every place in the PJO fandom.

And let’s just say that every single boy and girl there, even the Seven, is single as a pringle.

So, there we go, let’s continue with the chapter!

Percy’s PointOfView

 I could tell I was looking at Jason funny.

I mean, this is a dream, right? So I know what will happen.

Do I really have to recall this over again?

“I’m serious!” Jason whisper-yelled to me.
“I didn’t say you weren’t.” I argued.
“Just get to the point, Kath.” Nico broke out.

“If you’re that anxious to know… then…” Katheryn took another deep breath.

“Spit it out…!” I said. Hey, ADHD, remember?

“Sorry. Fine. Here goes… You three…” She paused. Yet again. “You had a threesome on my bed that night.”

Oh, okay. So—wait, what? Oh, yeah, here goes the complicated part.

All three of us were wide-eyed. Well, I’m not that surprised anymore.

“What?” Nico said, teeth gritted hardly.
“You heard me.”  Katheryn countered. Her eyebrows were furiously close. Almost like a monobrow.
“No, you—“

Sigh, here goes…

Jason didn’t react very well.

“No, I did not do that! I would never--!”
“Calm down, Jason!” Nico said, “None of us thought this would happen, alright! We all thought that we just did minor things like vandalism or something, so stop complaining!
“What about Piper? Huh? Percy, what about Annabeth--?”

That hit the nerve.

“Don’t bring Annabeth into this--!”
“Well, too late! We technically--!”
“Shut up!” Katheryn cutted in. “Just shut up! The three of you—“
“No Katheryn! How could we--!”
“Just wait.”

And I just noticed the tear streaks dried up on her face.

She walked up at the door, said some words and went back to us.

Nico looked more than shocked.

“Katheryn… are…. are you crying?” Nico asked her.

Katheryn shook her head furiously, wiping her tears with the back of her palm in the same way.

“No,” she said shakily, “I’m no, I’m not.”
Jason tried the next move “Kath, I—“
“No! No! Don’t! Don’t… apologize. I knew this would happen.”

“You knew…?” I asked curiously.

“She-she just… predicted. Yeah.” Nico reasoned.
“For some reason, I don’t believe you.” Jason said, narrowing his eyes.
“Yeah, I have to agree with that. You’re not keeping something from us, right?” I said.

“No. Not at all!” Katheryn said, obviously panicking.
“Yeah, why would she?” Nico added.

Jason’s eyes met mine for a moment and we decided. (Hey Jercy fans reading this sentence!  -Author)

“Please tell us.” Jason and I said at once.
“Never.” Nico and Katheryn said back. 
“C’mon. You can trust us!” Jason complained.
“We’ll kill ourselves. We’re crazy.” I added.
“You’re not serious.” Nico implied.
“I’m serious as Sirius Black.” I said.
“Nico.” Katheryn called.

Nico turned to face Katheryn.

“It’s okay. We can trust them.” Katheryn whispered, barely audible.
“But you said—“
“Don’t worry… I was wrong.”

Nico stayed still for some moments until he finally nodded.

“ I…” Katheryn started. “I killed my own father.”

“I ran away and found the Lotus Casino were I first met Nico.”

“I went with him to Westover hall.”

“But you guys were so focused on them that you didn’t notice that there was another demigod.”

“Lupa went to me.”

“Trained me.”

“Gave me the will to survive.”

“Until I got cursed.”

“I had flashes of the future but they hurt.”

“They hurt so bad.”

Okay. That’s it! Whoo!

Thanks for the reads and I’ll see you. I don’t have that much announcements anyway.

Love you all!


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