XV- Here lies Percy's sane side

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okay? okay.

So, yeah. I was feeling merciful but not enough. I will say sorry now for the chapter name. Yeah.

Anyway, before you go on with this chapter. You may wanna search what this word means:


Yeah. Good luck. I hope you guys survive this chapter.

Annabeth's PointOfView

Once you have a hot and irresistible boyfriend... you just can't stop yourself to notice imperfections.

For one thing, his glasses is kind of awkward on him.

Where did he get the glasses? Apollo.

See, Poseidon noticed Percy failing in subjects, most especially Math, so he ordered special dyslexia glasses.

If you don't know, dyslexia glasses are special glasses made by Apollo to remedy dyslexia as long as you wear it.

But it has side effects.

Like dizziness. Or alternative personality. Or emotionless-itis.

But at his case, schizophrenia.

It started at the house...

Percy stepped out of his room shirtless and yawning.

It was Saturday morning and the gang was planning what they were doing today. Of course, Percy was late.

And now, in nothing but basketball shorts, Percy finally appeared.

But he wasn't wearing his glasses.

Percy raised one eyebrow.

"Where's breakfast?" he asked.

"You missed it." Piper sighed.

Percy clucked his tongue and grunted to himself, turning around to get his breakfast in the kitchen.

The other demigods looked at each other. Something was wrong with Percy, they all thought.

I nodded and stood up, making a beeline for the location of the son of Poseidon. (A/N It rhymes!!)

I found Percy with his phone over his face, lying down on the small rectangular table in the middle of the kitchen. He connected several straws with each other so he could drink milk and use his phone at the same time.

Smart, in a lazy way.

Anyway, he looked at me like Can I help you? kind of way. Like didn't give a Zeus about what I was to him. It hurt me.

Real bad.

"I'm sorry. Would you like another gallon of that?" I asked him playfully but, at the same time, irritated.

"Yeah. But instead, could you get me the pint of strawberry IC in the freezer? And a spoon? Thanks Annie." he answered.

Oh. That does it.

"Perseus Jackson! What in Olympus are you doing?"

"Hmm? What so you mean?"

"For the live of Aphrodite! Why are you acting like that?"

"That, hun, I cannot answer."

"Why not?!"

"I'm still hungry, where's my IC?"

I fumed. I stomped my way to the freezer and got the ice cream.

Retrieving a spoon from the spoon holder, I walked back to Percy and shoved the ice cream to his bare chest. He hissed at the coolness of the container on his abs.

"Ow! What the *hahaNO*, Annabeth! What was that for?"

"For being a jerk to me."

I dipped the spoon in the tub of delectable and perfectly good ice cream. Then put it in his hair.

His eyes burned with rage. (A/N: Yeah. OOC)

"And that's for making me your maid."

I left the kitchen area and thundered angrily back to the table.

Everyone gave me looks.

Leo, who just finished research so early, spoke up.

"Did Percy have any weird behavior?" he asked me.

"Yes... he did." I answered.

"It's the glasses." A familiar voice said.

We all turned to see Percy Jackson, with glasses and a shirt.

I scowled at him. But he sighed and went to me, wrapped his arms around my waist and said one word he rarely says:


Rachel coughed from my side.

I sighed and unwrapped Per y from myself.

"Only because the glasses was the reason!" I told him and he nodded eagerly.

"Umm. Yeah. So Percy's side effect must probably be schizophrenia. Double personality."

"Leo?" Percy called out.

"Yeah Perce?" Leo asked, intrigued of Percy's sudden mention.

"When I take off these glasses, am I still sane?"

"If you're referring to the attitude, yes. If you're referring to the way you do that in front of us instead of your real self, not so much."

Short chapter but it was something. Yes, took me long enough, huh? Anyway, no one answered my last chapter question yet!!

BTW, no dedication but shout
out to my friend, Alyanna, she is nearing her 13th birthday!

Yeah, okay. Thanks for all the love and I love you all!

I have decided to call you guys "Hungry people" because I just wanted to.



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