XI- Signs

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Okay, I had a hard time to make this chapter because I was really unsure on whose POV it will be, what in Hades will happen, what am I gonna do, should I leave a cliffhanger, and all those c*appy things. But, in my defense, my vacation is nearly over and I am so busy with my uniform (Yes, I have a uniform), my books and notebooks, my ID, everything! Anywho, enjoy the chapter!

Percy's PointOfView   (Listen to "New Perspective" by Panic! at the disco while reading this, would ya'?)

It's clearly obvious the Piper and Jason did that. Nico and Katheryn keep their own distances too.

I mean, c'mon, only an idiot will not notice the "signs".

*basketball announcer voice*

(Thank you Tumblr -Author)

Sign number 1: Lack of contact 

It's pretty obvious. Jason never even says "hi" to Piper in the cafeteria and everybody, even the lowest in the school food chain, notices that.

 And Nico... well, let's say, the same with Katheryn.

Sign number 2: Lack of effort

 When they still were together, Jason always took Piper on really cheesy dates. Now... locked up in a room with nothing but Pepsi and cheese puffs. Pfft.

 Nico and Katheryn were always seen in the music room. Now, Katheryn is the only one visiting there but not actually making contact with the (their *wink*) piano.

Sign number 3: Independence

 Heck, now, Piper rides with Katheryn and Nico rides with Jason. A little too obvious, guys?

Sign number 4: Silly and unbelievable excuses

 For example:

 Piper) I need to go see my pet chameleon. (That is probably the lamest excuse for locking yourself up in her own room.)

 Jason) I have to buy more food. (We have unlimited supply of food, besides, why are you buying food from your room?)

 Nico) I have some spirits to calm down. (Uh-huh. In the cemented floor of your once again gloomy room without a happy meal.)

 Katheryn)  I have to take a call. (Well, well,  I've never even seen you have career problems)

Sign number 5: Neutral faces

Gods, are those obvious or are those obvious?

Yeah, well I had enough!

I can prank Jason and he wouldn't even care because Piper isn't there to scold me and he won't be laughing about it.

I may not be a son of Aphrodite but I am going to be able to fix those two.

Oh, and maybe Kathy and Nicole too.  >;D

(*badum tss*    "Thanks, Annabeth, really appreciate it.")


So here I am. I gathered all of us in the house and I'm standing in the center so that they can hear whatever I have to say.

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