Chapter one

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{Vanessa aka Ethan's girlfriend}
I wake up to Ethan snoring. He's been acting unusual lately, he usually wakes up before me but for the past few days he's been waking up at eleven and staying in bed until one! He also hasn't been eating the way he usually does he just settles for a cup of coffee in the morning. But today when he wakes up I decided to ask if if he is okay.
It's was 1:29 when Ethan got out of bed
"Morning E!" I told him smiling
"Mornin'" he replied "I'm gonna go brush my teeth I'll be back in a few minutes." He told me making his way toward the bathroom.
Five minutes later he got out.
"I made pancakes. Want some?" I asked
"Nah, thanks babe, I'm gonna stick with a coffee." He told me kissing me on the cheek. Once he finished making his coffee we both sat at the table.
"Ethan, can we talk..?" I asked trying to make it not as awkward as it is.
"Sure babe, shoot."
"Well, uh.. I realized that you're not acting like yourself lately.. I was wondering if you would like to talk about it."
"Babe I'm fine don't worry about it."
"No please, do you not trust me?"
"No babe, of course not." He told me pulling me into his chest "don't worry alright babe?" He kissed my hair lightly.
"Okay but if you need to talk I'm here"
He smiled and with the I will don't worry look.
I walked back into my room thinking to myself... "I hope she doesn't find out I'm feeling depressed..."
"I don't even know if I'm actually depressed! Should I tell someone?! I'm speaking to myself... What am I doing?"
I heard a knock on my bedroom door.
"Hey bro, you awake?"
I saw grasyon's head popping out my door.
"Yah, what's up?"
"Nothin wanna do something?"
"Not really I don't feel good.."
"Okay, mind if I hang out with Vanessa?"
"Sure man go ahead I'm just gonna sleep for now."
"Okay feel better man."
{ Vanessa}
I saw Grayson's cute smile pop out while I was making some coffee.
"Hey gray! What's up?"
"Nothin, Ethan isn't feelin good can I stay here and hang out with you?"
"Sure, actually.. I was wondering if we can talk about Ethan."
I made both of us a cup off coffee and we went to the living room and sat down on a couch.
"So, what happened that you need to talk to me about Ethan?" Grayson asked me
"I mean he isn't acting like himself and he isn't waking up until eleven and he is getting up at one. And I just want him to be happy."
"Yeah I know what you're talking about he's been acting that way ever since we both found out about our dad.."
"Oh.. Again I'm sorry about that."
He didn't say anything he just stared down at his coffee playing with the cup I can tell he wanted to cry. While his head was still down I saw a tear drop falling from his eye into his coffee. I picked his head up to see his eyes bright red he was obviously crying. I gave him a hug and he started to cry on my shoulder.
"It's gonna be okay gray. Don't worry it'll be fine."
He pulled away and sniffled wiping his tears away.
"So.. Yah um.. That was so awkward I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable.." He told me not making eye contact
"No don't worry about it. Let's get off this topic."
"Yah, wanna watch a movie or something?"
"What do you wanna watch?"
"Ever heard of high strung?"
"No what's it about?"
"Just watch"
It was about 3 pm when we heard Ethan walk to the bathroom. We thought it was nothing we thought he just needed to go. But even after ten minutes he wasn't out.. I decided to check it out.
We come to the bathroom and Ethan was shirtless and unconscious. I saw an open pill bottle and a razor and Ethan had closed slit wrists.
"Hey what happened?!" Grayson called walking toward the bathroom.
"You look like you saw a gho-
He looks at the unconscious Ethan in shock. He started sobbing loudly
"ETHAN!!" He screamed.
I call 911 and an ambulance came all I thought was
"I knew there was something wrong. It's my fault I didn't do anything"

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