Chapter six

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I got up before everyone. It was 6:38 am. I decided to pack us some "on the go" foods. I packed some: whoopie pies, cookies, some to go cereals with small cartons of milk, and some fruits.
"Rise and shine sleepy heads!!"
"Ughhhh..." Ethan groaned
"Why now?!" He asked complaining.
"C'mon E let's go v get up put some cozy clothes on because it's gonna start snowing."
I put on:a white and gray sweater that says "LA" on it, ripped jeans, and roshies.

We got into the car and I blasted a ratchet but good song. "Only" by nicki Minaj ft. Chris brown drake and lil Wayne.
We all started jamming to it.
(Lyrics of "only" by nikki Minaj ft. Drake,Chris brown, and lil' Wayne)
"THESE GIRLS ARE MY SONS JOHN AND KATE PLUS EIGHT WHEN I WALK IN SIT UP STRAIGHT..." We sang loudly well... Me and Vanessa Ethan was typing something on his phone.
"So uh...anything I should know before I meet your family?"
"Well not really. But my grandpa and grandma will constantly be asking you questions."
She gave a cute laugh and looked at me in curiosity.
I smiled and looked at her
"What?" I asked chuckling looking at her then looking at the road.
"I just always wondered.. Where's your girlfriend?"
"Haven't met her yet.."
She looked at me and chuckled.
"I'm sure you'll find her."
"Okayyyyyy ummmm Vanessa you're my girlfriend now get away from Grayson." Ethan said popping his head after laying down on all the back seats.

Ethan finally went back to sleep at around 7:20.
"Hey v?"
"Yah gray?"
"Can you promise me something?"
"Yah what is it?"
"Stay with me while I tell my mom and sister what Ethan tried to do."
Ethan shot up. Well apparently he wasn't asleep.. Dammit
"Ethan, they're family and they need to know."
"Ethan, you know I'm right."
I just laid back and thought to myself... What would my mom think??

We got to the house. We knocked on the door cam answered.
"Heyyyyy it's thanksgiving and mom made a HUGE turkey!"
"Cam this is my girlfriend, Vanessa she is gonna be staying here with us for thanksgiving."
"Nice to meet you Vanessa. Everyone calls me cam"
"Nice to meet you too! Everyone calls me V."
"Well come on in."
"HEY GUY--" Grayson was going to say hey guys but no one was here yet.
"Where is every one?"
"We told you to come early so you can help out what do you think?"
"Let's get settled first."
"Vanessa you'll be sleeping with me I have an extra bed in my room."
"Mom and dad went to help grandma and grandpa get their things ready and give them a ride because they live in New York."
Vanessa, Grayson and I went to put our things in our rooms.
We heard the doorbell it was about 8:50-9:00. It was mom,dad,grandpa, and grandma. We gave them all a kiss and I introduced Vanessa.
"This is my girlfriend Vanessa."
My mom and dad greeted her while my grandma and grandpa made her sit next to them while they asked her questions about her life.
"Grandma grandpa, can j have my girlfriend back now?"
"Okay,okay, Ethan."
"She's a keeper." My grandpa told me winking.
"I know she is."

I took her to the kitchen to meet my parents a bit more. They love her!
I knew this would go fine.
"Me and V are gonna go to my room."
"Okay sweetie."
It was about twelve o' clock when we finished with the food and cleaning.
My dad went out out to talk with my grandparents. E and V were outside too. I thought it was the perfect time to tell mom and Cameron.

"Hey guys..? Can I talk to you."
"Yah sure."
I took a deep breath.
"Okay here I go.. Um... There is really no way to say this that won't scare you guys. But umm.. Lately Ethan hasn't been acting the way he usually does. And I didn't know what to do because he wouldn't wanna talk about it. But about a three weeks ago he did something I never thought he would do."
"What's he do?" They both ask looking scared
"Three weeks ago..Ethan tried to kill himself.."
"What..?!?" They both asks shocked.
"Vanessa saw it before I did. What happened was me and Vanessa were watching a movie. While we were watching the movie, E went to the bathroom. He didn't come out for ten minutes that's when V went to check it out. She found him shirtless and an empty pill bottle and he had closed up slits in his wrists."
"Why didn't you tell us before?"
"I didn't wanna worry you all that's happening with dad.. So I just wanted to tell you face to face."
"I'm gonna go get them so we can talk to him." Cameron said getting up.
"Ethan can you come. Vanessa you can come if you want."
They both came in and Ethan knew what was about to happen.
I sat down at the dinning table. I knew what was going to happen. However I didn't know how they would react.
"Ethan..? Wh-why didn't you say something?"
"Listen mom I really didn't wanna tell anyone about how I feel."
"What? Why?"
"Because.. I.. Don't know."
"Ethan what does that mean you don't know??" Cameron said raising her voice.
"We tried taking him to therapy." Grayson added
"And what happened?"
"He screamed and said He doesn't wanna talk about his feelings."
"We also took him to a circle he was finally getting somewhere until he did the same thing. But this time he had an anxiety attack."
"Is this true Ethan?"
I closed my eyes and let out a deep breath. I wanna scream at her the way I do Grayson but she's my mom.
"Mo- nothing."
"No tell me what's bothering you."
"Ever since dad you know... I've been acting depressed.. But trust me Grayson and Vanessa are taking care of me."
"Ethan, I just want you to be happy. Can you please just talk abou-"
After realizing I cut my mom off AND screamed at her I ran outside to the backyard. I laid in the grass and stated to cry.
"I'm just gonna go to Ethan."
"Vanessa I'm sorry about that." His mom told me hugging me.
"Don't worry I'm just gonna go see Ethan."
I took out a cup of hot chocolate and brought it to Ethan who was laying on the grass in his gray adidas sweater and ripped jeans.
"Hey E." I told him handing him the cup.
"Hey thanks."
"No problem.. You wanna talk..?"
"You sure?
"Okay then c'mon let's go back inside."
We both went inside and set up for the thanksgiving feast with his whole family.
It was about 4 pm when it started to snow.
"SNOWWWW!!!" I exclaimed throwing both my hands in the air as if I was a five year old girl who has never seen snow before.
"C'mon E!! Let's make snowmen lik when we were kids!"
"Nah man, I don't feel like it."
"C'mon man! It'll be fun"
"I don't wanna."
I sighed and asked Cam. She said she was helping mom. I wanted to ask Vanessa but she looked like she was having fun with mom and cam so I just said screw it and didn't go.
"Gray! You got the movies right?" Cam asked smiling
"Yah don't worry."
"YES!" "Hey Vanessa, you think you can stay up the entire night?"
"Ummm.. Sure I guess so, why?"
"Because every year Ethan Grayson and I stay up all night on thanksgiving and Christmas watching movies."
"Really? I wish I can do that with my brothers and sister."
"Why don't you?"
"All of them?!?"
"Yeah I have two pairs of twins I'm the only one that doesn't have a twin."
"Hey cam. I added more movies to the bunch. Vanessa E and I watched these last week they're really good."
"Okay, as long as the outsiders are there it's my favorite movie!"
"It's there cam"

The time was around 7 pm when everyone started come and around 7:35 when everyone was here. Vanessa was introduced and everyone loves her.
My mom brought out the turkey and all the food. My mouth was watering. It smells so GOOOOOOOD.
We went around the room to say what we're thankful for.
"I'm thankful for this feast" Ethan said.
When it came to me I looked E straight in the eye and said
"I'm thankful for my brother Ethan, if he wasn't alive.. Neither would I. We looked each other straight in the eye while everyone else said what they are thankful for.
My mom put Ethan a HUGE plate of food. He just played with his fork.. He didn't even touch the turkey. That is not the Ethan I know. He looked up and i gave him a look that said what happened. He said nothing but I didn't believe him.

Finally everyone left and we started to watch the outsiders. Of course cam is going goo-goo-ga-ga over soda pop.
" Pedophilia much?"
We all laughed.
We were at the point where the Greasers were all getting ready before the rumble. When Ethan and Vanessa looked like they were in a movie. She laid on him and they snuggled up in the covers.
Me and Cameron screamed at the same time.
We got tired at the 4-5 am mark and slept on the couches.

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