Chapter 11

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We woke up about an hour later.
Jared called me but I didn't answer. I called him back to see what he wants
{phone conversation G=Grayson J=Jared}

J: hey Grayson what's up

G:nothin what's up? Need anything?

J: yes, for you and Ethan to sleep at my house or Jensen or even your parents house. But please don't stay alone.

G:we're fine Jared we don't need to.

J: I think you guys do though.

G: we don't. Don't worry.

We both shut.
{it is now 1 am}

We heard a knock at the door.

"Gray who is that?!?"

"I don't know.. Get the baseball bat and I'll open the door."

I opened the door and saw Jared.

We invited him in and we sat on the couch.

"Listen guys, I know you guys don't want to but listen, you have to be with someone. You guys are 17! You need a parent with you. That's why I suggest my house or your parents."

"Jared were fine."

"No you're not. You both are cutting and I think you should be with someone."

"Jared were fine. We promise."

"Just come to my house."

"Jared were fine."

"Fine, than I'm gonna sleep here."


"I've made my decision."

He slept on the couch.
I decided I was gonna sleep there so when they're asleep I'll take them to my house. It was about two am when they went to sleep. First I picked up Grayson and took him to my car. Than Ethan. And I drove.

We got to my house and I put them in the guest room.
It was around nine when I woke up.

I woke up Ethan with my screams

"E where are we?!"

"This is Jared's guest room... Why are we here?"

"I'm gonna go talk to Jared."

I went to Jared shirtless, bare foot and mad.

"I told you were fine!"

"Grayson I know you're not fine."

"We are and we're going home!"

"You won't go home but you can go to your mom and dads house."

"Jared.. Please just... Let us go home."

"Im not gonna let you, but you can have breakfast."

I say down next to Jared's sons.  Since I was shirtless they were both laughing.
Ethan finally came out.

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