Chapter three

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After I woke up I went and told Vanessa.
"I know, what do you think it means v?"
"I don't know I think you should talk to a therapist."
"Nah I'm sure it's nothing."
We went to the hospital to bring Ethan home. The doctor called us and Ethan into his office.
"Yes, so, Ethan you are clinically and chronically depressed.
"What? Me? Can't be."
Vanessa and I can tell he was faking it. I love him but he isn't the greatest liar. He definitely knew about this the entire time.
The doctor told us about a few really good therapists and a circle he should join to let everything out.
I was going to kill someone once I heard that he wants me to see a therapist. We got in the car to go home and that's when I did let everything out.
"We never said you were Ethan." Grayson said looking at me through the Mirror as he was driving.
"Again we never said you were we did say you're depressed and you need to talk about it." He said while making a sarcastic smile.
I was silent the rest of the car ride home. However in my mind I was louder than harambe being shot.
As we got home I stormed into my room. I ripped off my hospital bracelet. I took out a pen and paper and started to write. It's the only way can express my feeling.. Through writing. I have three and a half boxes of writings about how I feel and yet I never showed them to anyone but my self. I started to write as if the words were already there.
"I have these lies
Lies I'd never tell
Of when I broke down and fell"
I just kept on writing I didn't wanna leave my room I just wanted to write.
Eventually I got tired and took a nap on my bed.
I went into Ethan's room to give him some lunch and see if he would say anything. I Walked in and found him sleeping on the bed. I put the food down on his desk and took a pen and paper.
"Dear E,
I made you some lunch I hope you like it :)"
I put the pen back in his draw. I didn't know which draw so I just put it in the last.
I decided to look though his things. I found for shoe boxes. Three of which were full and the other was only half.
I looked at the one in the half I opened the one on top and saw it had today's date January,25,2017. I decided to read it. It read:
"I have these lies,
Lies is never tell.
Of when I broke down and fell.
There will never be a day,
Where I speak up and say,
I always have a fight,
It's always at night.
It's with me and my brain,
I feel like I go insane.
All these thoughts drive me crazy,
But I try not to let them phase me.
(I got the rhyme "crazy and phase me"
From "hailies song" by Eminem but not the exact sentence)
However I can't control it ,
But I fall into a pit.
A pit of despair,
And no one had a care."
I just stared at the note for hours doing absolutely nothing. I took it to my room
"When Vanessa comes I'll show her I thought to myself."
I was at the doorstep of the Dolan's house. I rang the doorbell and saw Grayson.
"Hey gra-"
"Sorry for interrupting but we need to talk."
He grabbed my arm and pulled me into his room.
"Sit on my bed I need to show you something." He told me opening one of his brown wooden draws.
He found what he was looking for. It was a note.
"Open it."
I opened it and saw it was a poem and with a heading too. On the left it said Ethan Dolan and on the left it said today's date.
I read it and realized it was Ethan talking about his depression.
I sighed as Grayson ran his ands through his hair in stress.
"This is all my fault." Grayson said
"What? No! Gray, don't think like that.
It's not your fault."
"Yes it is. I should've known I always see him writing. I should've asked him what they were about. If I did this probably wouldn't have happened."
"Hey! Don't say that it is not your--"
The door opened and we saw Ethan.
"Hey babe! what's up?" I gave him a kiss so gray would have time to hide the note.
"What are you guys doing?"
"Nothing. We were listening to are really old song."
"Oh, what song?"
"Gallery by Mario Vazquez."
"Can I listen?"
"It just finished. Anyway we were hoping to watch a movie outside. Wanna watch?"
"Sure. As long as it's not titanic! Yuck!"
We all chuckled.
"Don't worry we weren't planning on it." Grayson said smiling
"Well... I wouldn't mind seeing Leonardo dicaprio in a suit."
We all chuckled again and went outside to turn on Netflix. I went to the kitchen to make some popcorn.
We decided on the movie what's eating Gilbert Grape. I mean it's not Leonardo in a suit but it is Leonardo as a mentally disabled child plus Johnny depp SCORE!
We were at the part of where arnie (Leonardo) thinks he drowned because he was in the bath all night. When I saw Ethan pulling his sleeve up and looking at his closed up cuts on his wrists. I walk over to his couch to give him a kiss and I whispered in his ear "stay strong" I than made my way to the couch Grayson was laying down on to tell him about Ethan. We decided that were gonna trick him to go to the circle and that I was going to sleep over for a few weeks.
It was the next morning precisely 12:56 pm
"Rise and shine Ethan!"
"No need, I've been awake since ten."
"Then why aren't you up"
"Cuz I felt like it."
"Just get up me and Vanessa wanna go to the amusement park!"
"I don't wanna go."
"Too bad."
"No gray! I know you're doing this so I can be happy but it's not gonna work!"
"Well I'm going to make it work sweetie" I said with a feminine voice and had a big sarcastic smile on my face.
"Ugh would you stop!?"
"I'm gonna kill you."
"How if you're laying down i can run before you can get up."
He sighed in my face but I really didn't care.
"But I won't like it!"
"Never said you have to."
I put on my red hoodie a pair of black skinny jeans and a beanie. I was going for the I-never-cared-about-my-outfit- look. We got into the car and it took about five minutes to get "there". I looked up to see if we were at a red light or to see if we're here. But than I saw Grayson parking the car at some really big building.
"Gray what are you doing?"
"We're here E."
"This isn't the amusement park.. Where are we?!"
"Just get out."
I didn't know what was happening until I got inside and heard what Grayson said to the girl at the front desk.
"Ethan Dolan here for an appointment with Mrs. Oliver."
"Yes your appointment is right here please wait over there and take a seat"
He smiled and came back. We all sat down.
"Gray I'm not doing this." I said whispering angrily
"Yes you are. I don't care what you say. We read your poem. You're talking to her!"
"Are you for real?"
"Yes I am very real!"
"Grayson! I am not doin--"
"Ethan Dolan. You're up room 13."
"Gray I hate you so much."
"Have fun bud"
I was walking toward the room and all I can think is,
"I can not believe I'm doing this
I'm gonna kill them."

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