Chapter ten

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It's about six am and it's still pouring. I'm still walking. I don't even know where to go. Pretty sure I've been going in circles for about three hours. I think I'm in the bad part of California.
"AYO pretty boy what you doin' here?"
I tried to ignore all the guys that said that. I wounded up at Jared's block again at around 8:45-9:00.

I was walking a car was driving next to me and it started to slow down.
I looked back and it stopped. The person rolled down the window. It was Jensen.



"Need a ride?"

"Nah I'm fine thank you."

"Why not? Get in its pouring out. I'll take you to my house and you can call someone to get you."

"I'm fine really."

"Ethan. Get in the car."

I went in and he took me to his house.

"Hey hon" he told his wife. "This is Ethan. We met at the circle. He was walking but it was pouring so I told him to come here. That okay?"

"Yah. Hi I'm daneel."

"I'm Ethan" I said shyly

I sat in a couch while Jensen called someone. He took it in a different room.

{phone conversation J.P = Jared J.A=Jensen}

J.A: "hey right that kid Ethan? From the circle?"

J.P: "yah what about him?"

J.A: "he was walking down the street and I saw him. He's in my house."

J.P: "what?!?"

J.A: "yah.. You didn't know?"

J.P: "no I didn't. Maybe he left a note. I'm gonna go check."

J. A: "okay look and read it to me."

J.P "yeah he did."

J.A "what does it say?"

J.P: "Hey, I know you keep telling me I'm not, but, I can't help but feel I'm ruining your life. Right now it's about Three am and I'm going to leave to make your life better. Don't bother calling me because I'm not going to answer. I don't know where I'm going, but I hope I get hit by a bus. Sincerely yours Ethan"

J.a: "woahhh."

J.P: "I know. Listen, if he's gonna be there FEED HIM and watch him eat it. Make sure he doesn't go to the bathroom right after."

J.A: "why..?"

J.P: "yesterday and the day before he didn't eat anything. I fed him something yesterday and right when he was done he went to the bathroom. I went up to see what happened and he was about to stick his fingers in his mouth so he can throw it up. Apparently he thinks he is fat."

J.A: "woah.. Okay I'll make sure he eats."
J.p "thanks man. Bye."

J.A: "no problem. Bye"

Jensen approached me and stated talking to me.

"So I was talking to Jared. He told me he had no idea that you left."

I didn't answer. I just looked down and played with my hands.


"I left at around three am."


"I was ruining jared's life that's why."

"What do you mean."

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