Chapter two

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{This chapter will be taking place one week after Ethan tried to kill himself because one: I didn't know what to write for in between and two: it would be boring anyway. Hope you enjoy :)}
we were at the hospital. Grayson acting like he saw a ghost he is shaking and crying. Even the nurses are trying to calm him down!
"Grayson it's gonna be fine don't worry." I told him trying to calm him down
"What...what if he doesn't wake up.. What..if he does and he tries this again?!?!! I don't wanna lose my brother I just can't!!" He told me sobbing on my shoulder.
He started to have a panic attack.
So bad the doctors took him in for a check up.
"Alright Grayson we need you to calm down your brother will be fine you just need to calm down" the doctor told him as gray was crying and breathing heavily on the examining table.
We went back outside in the waiting room for hours Grayson didn't speak he just kept eyeing the door in hope he would see a nurse saying
"Grayson Dolan and Vanessa Miller Ethan woke up."
But she never did
I was non stop crying on that examining table the doctors thought I was overreacting but don't think l so. It's my brother what do you expect. If only he told me he was feeling this way.. He slit his wrists and swallowed who knows how many pills.
I had a panic attack I didn't know what to do what to think. It was my reaction. I actually felt like I was dying I didn't know what to do anymore my brother is laying up in a hospital right now! I'm so overwhelmed. The nurses. Brought me into the examining room where they checked me up to make sure I was okay. Which I wasn't!
Anyway it was about ten pm the doctors said we should go home which we did.
The next day we came back Ethan still wasn't up I was really scared at this point. Vanessa and I were in the waiting room when I see a nurse approach us. I was hoping it was to tell me Ethan woke up but it wasn't.
She came up to me saying
"Hello, are you Grayson Dolan?"
"Yes, why?"
"We just wanted to tell you we have a therapist down the hall if you'd like to talk to her."
"I'll think about it"
"But sir we really sugge-"
"I said I'll think about it!" My voice stiffened.
It was around 2:30 pm when another nurse approached me to tell me the news I wanted to hear.
"Grayson and Vanessa?"
"Yes." We both answered
"Hi, Ethan is awake please follow me and I'll show you to his room."
I was silently praying to the man up there I felt so relieved.
I looked at the bracelet on my wrist it said my name, my address and why I'm here.
"Wh-where am I?"
"You're in the hospital. You tried to kill yourself about a week ago." The doctor answered me
"It didn't work?"
"Don't say that son. Your brother was crying non-stop. He was scared you wouldn't wake up."
"I didn't want to wake up.."
"What could be so wrong that you decided to end it?"
"Doesn't seem like nothing."
"It's nothing."
The doctor looked at me and sighed he went out to do something.
Five minutes later I saw Vanessa and Grayson. Grayson eyes were red and he had tear stains down his cheeks.
"ETHAN! I'm so happy you're a wake oh my god I was going to kill myself if you didn't wake up!" Gray hugged me
"Hey babe." Vanessa said giving me a kiss
"Hey guys" I said rubbing my eyes.
"Ethan...wh-why did you do it?"
"Don't worry it was really nothing gray. I promise."
"No E, I know it's something. Why?"
"Grasyon don't worry about it."
"No E, Your my twin brother and you tried killing yourself and you expect me not to worry about it?"
I can tell Grayson wanted to punch me for not telling him but he knows I
Hate talking about how I feel! Oh well. I'll tell him later.
Vanessa and I went to the house. I was raging.
"Why can't he tell me?! I'm his twin brother! We just shared a stomach for a full nine months and he can't tell me if he is feeling depressed?"
"Grayson, I know you mad but--"
"But nothing! He should tell me what happened!"
I sighed heavily
"I'm gonna take a nap."
{this next part is taking place in Grayson's dream}
I see Ethan crying on the floor I run up to him.
"Ethan! What happened?!"
He stands up and says
"Nothin gray!"
I was so confused. It happened again. Ethan was sitting on the floor crying.
"Ethan! What happened to you!!??!! are you okay?!!?!?!!!"
"Yah man don't worry."
And he disappeared. For the next few minutes all I can see is white. I just keep on walking. I've been walking for five minutes and I don't even know where I'm going! Finally I see something. I see a door! I go and open the door to see Ethan. Shirtless unconscious a pill bottle empty and open and His closed up cuts. And then I woke up.

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