Chapter 8

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It was pouring rain. I didn't know where to go. I just went to Jared. Maybe he'll let me sleep at his house.

I went to the studio and saw them.
"Hey guys."
"Hey Ethan. Not in a mean way but what're you doing here?" Jared asked.
"Gray needs to go to New Jersey and the only person I can sleep at is my uncle and aunt and they pretty much hate me so I told them I'm going home. Now I have no where to go. Can I stay here?"
I had to lie. I couldn't tell them what actually happened.
"Sure" Jared said smiling. "If you want you can sleep in my guest room until Grayson comes back." He added.
"Really? Only if that's okay with you."
"Yah sure."
We all started talking and Jared told me to put my bag down.
A person on the speaker said
"Sam Dean Castiel and Crowley" meaning it was there turn to go up and act.
Mark aka Crowley said
"Time for another day with the king of hell."
They all chuckled and went to act.

It was time to go home and I went home with Jared.
"Jared thanks for this really I'm sorry if this is an inconvenience."
"No don't worry about it. Now I can keep a closer eye on you."
"You wrote anything recently" he asked
"Nah, I have some pen and paper in my bag though"
"And when we get home I will be checking your bag to make sure there are no razors or drugs."
We sat in silent until he remembered his wife genaviv.
"That reminds me, I need to tell my wife that you're coming because the kids have winter break so she came with the kids to visit. I'm gonna call her is that okay?"
"Hey gen?"
"Yah what's up?"
"So, I'm gonna bring one of my friends over he is gonna sleep in the guest room for a bit. That okay?"
"Yah that's fine. Does he like pizza and fries?"
"Do you?"
"Yah but I'm not hungry thanks."
"You sure?"
"Honey, Shepard wants something I'll call you back."
"Okay bye."

We came to a red light and he looked at me.
"You sure you don't wanna eat?"
"I'll have some fries actually."

We got to his house and his kids instantly ran into his arms.
"Hey hon." Genaviv said kissing him in the cheek.
"Hey, this is Ethan. He will be staying here for a few days until his brother comes back from New Jersey."
"Well hello Ethan, boys say hi."
"Hiiiiiii" they said with hands in their mouth shyly.
"let me show you the guest room."
Guest room more like family room it was huge!
"If you need anything just ask"
"Thank you. I'm just gonna put my stuff down."
I stayed in the room because I felt guilty for just barging in and I didn't even tell him the truth. I feel horrible.

Jared walked in my room.
"Hey. Why aren't you coming outside."
"I don't know it's just weird."
"What is?"
"You finally get to see your family and I'm just here ruining it."
"You're not. My wife really wants to meet you."
"Fine. I'll come."
"Not before I check your bag. I was serious."
We both chuckled as I gave him my duffle bag.
"Sweatshirts, pants,Toothbrush, paper and pen... Should I take this away"
I didn't answer.
"Ethan is everything okay?"
"No.. Not really."
"I lied to you."
My face turned red I was so scared he was gonna get mad at me.
"What do you mean?"
I didn't say anything I just played with my hands nervously.
I looked up and my eyes were filled with water.
"I-I'm sorry I know cry a lot." I said wiping away the tears.
"No Ethan.. It's fine but what did you mean?"
"Remember I said Grayson left."
"He--he didn't.. I did."
"What do you mean?"
"After you guys left. He was disappointed in me. I think because I screamed at you. I wouldn't even blame him. I keep screaming at people that try to help me. I'm so stupid."
"No you're not Ethan. What happened next."
"He said he was going to the store. I left him a note saying I'm leaving but not where."
"Why not?"
"Because I left to make his life easier. Which it will be because now he doesn't have anyone to watch over."
"Ethan you're not making it easier. He is probably scared to death! If he had an anxiety attack when he you thought you wouldn't wake up imagine what he would think when he can't find you!"
"He probably isn't even looking."
I roamed the streets of LA with a picture of Ethan to see if anyone has seen him.

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