Chapter 12

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I was crying on the floor. I saw Jared and he looked confused.

"Ethan what happened."

I heard someone running upstairs it was gray and gen.


I was still sobbing on the floor. Jared picked up the gun and saw that it was clogged.

"E, why did you try it?"
I tried to stop crying and I gave him my phone.

"What am I supposed to do with this?"

"Look at my latest iMessage."

"It's from Vanessa."

"Read it."
I started to read what Vanessa sent Ethan,

"Dear Ethan,
I finally dated you enough to get my fame. Now everyone is talking about me! Which is all I ever wanted. I never liked you and I never thought you were cute all those so called romantic times we had was just an act and now once I tell everyone I broke up with you I'll have even more fame! :) well guess now I'll be more happier not having to date you I always thought Grayson was cuter. Oh well hope you do kill yourself. Oh and by the way you do look like a bicycle seat.
Xoxo Vanessa aka your EX girlfriend."

My mouth dropped open.

"C'mon man you don't need her in your life. Get up."

"No! She was my everything! I spent all my money on her!"

"Jared I think we're just gonna go home thank you."
I picked up Ethan and put him in the backseat. He started to cry.

"E don't worry you don't need a girl like her."
I said under my breath,
"Never liked her anyways."

"I heard the Grayson! I don't care! I liked her she was my everything! I THOUGHT I WAS FINALLY IN A RELATIONSHIP AND THEN THAT HAPPENED!!"

"You don't need her forget her, you'll find someone else someone way better."

"No such thing! Vanessa was everything to me gray!"
I turned on that radio. Eminem "love the way you lie" ft. Rihanna came on.

I thought to myself.
"This song? Right now? Why?"
I listened to the music and all I can think about is Vanessa. This song just screams what just happened to me! Only this time the girl isn't the victim in the relationship...

"You ever loved somebody so much,
You can barely breath when you with em, Got that warm fuzzy feeling.."

Once that's line came on, all I thought about was Vanessa.

"Yeah them chills you used to get em,
Now you're gettin' f*ckin sick of lookin' at em."

I don't even know if I can think of Vanessa when he said that line. I'm annoyed, sad, and hurt but I will Always love her. I'm going to do everything in my power to get her back.

"Baby please come back!
It wasn't you! Baby it was me!"

I went back to thinking of Vanessa. I love her so much. I love her long brown hair, her cute smile, her adorable little laugh, and her haisle eyes.

"Just gonna stand thee and watch me burn,
Well that's alright because I like the way it hurts.
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry,
Well that's alright because I love the way you lie,
I love the way you lie."

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