Chapter 14

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"Ummm.... Hey guys..... What are you doing here?"

"Honey, Jared told us what happened over the past few days."

I rolled my eyes and sighed,
"Guys were fine."

"Ethan no you're not. We want you guys to come back to the house."

"Ma, we're fine."  Grayson said.

"We just wanna make sure you boys are safe."

"We are, don't worry."

"Guys, can you just please go to your family, I know you don't think you need to but you do. Is there anything that happened when you left my house?"

Grayson and I looked at each other and we have each other a look that said "don't say anything."

"No. Not at all."



"Nonetheless, you're coming to the house."

"MOM! WHERE FINE!" Grayson said raising his voice.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom."
Cameron said getting up.

I went to the bathroom. I was done and there was no soap I looked in the cabinet to find some. I found one in the back I reached out my hand and something cut my arm.

"OW!"  I found what cut me. It was a bag of razors.

I took the bag while holding on to my cut because I knew this needed stitches.


"Cam what happe- OH MY GOD IS YOUR ARM OKAY?"

"Yeah. Do you know what cut it?"


I held up the opened bag of razors. Ethan's eyes we're wide open. Grayson was just standing there in shock.

"DO YOU GUYS STILL THINK YOU'RE FINE?!?!?" I said scolding them both.

Those we're my razors. What did I just do.

"Cameron!" My mom called "you need to go to the hospital!"

"Thank you Jared, they will be coming home with us." My mom said scolding us.

"No problem."

Grayson and I looked at Jared with an annoyed face.

We got in the car and went to the hospital. Cameron's hand was stitched up and it looked nasty. She decided to post it on Instagram.

We got to the house where grayson and I sat on the couch. We knew mom was gonna give us a lecture about mental health. Which she did.

"You guys need to tell me what's happening in your life!"

"You're right mom.. We're sorry."

Gray and I went to my room. I ran my hands through my hair.



"I have an idea for a new video."

"What is it?"

"Let's tell the fans about everything that's been happening. Maybe not the parts where we cut, or when I tried killing myself. Let's just tell them maybe it'll help some of our fans.."

"Let's do it."

We got the camera and lights ready. I sat on my bed and started to talk.
{Ethan and Grayson} (these are actual lines they said from their "you are not alone" video on YouTube.)

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