Chapter seven

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{this chapter will be taking place when they came back from the whole thanks giving thing so hope you like it :)}

It's been a week since we visited New Jersey. Meaning, today Ethan is going to the circle. Apparently there is some special guess PLUS Ethan promised to go so he is going.
I put on a place shirt a green leather jacket black distressed pants and rohies.
"The circle..."
"I don't wanna go."
"But the secret guest what if it's a celebrity you like. Like a guy from you demon show... Umm what's it called?."
"Supernatural and I highly doubt any of them would be there."
"Whatever just get dressed."
Ethan was finally done he wore a white sweater, black jeans and roshies.

We got in the car and no one talked no on moved. Ethan just looked out the window watching the rain fall down from the sky.

We finally got there and went inside. The instructor was standing in the waiting room.
"Ah Ethan so glad you can come."
Ethan smiled
"So, um Mr.Johnson I was wondering if I can join because Ethan doesn't wanna be alone ."
"Of Course, I'll make sure to tell the special guest not to ask you anything"
"Okay thank you."

We both walked in the room and everyone was there. Ethan wanted to back out but I wouldn't let him.
Soon enough mr.Johnson walked in.
"Hello everyone! Nice to see you all! As you all know we are having a special guest coming here. He took off from his VERY busy work schedule to be here. So I expect you guys to give him respect."
Ethan wasn't even paying attention.
He opened the door and a really tall guy probably 6"3 with long hair walked in. He wore blue jeans, a leather jacket a white beanie and a shirt that said "Always Keep fighting" on it.Before he can even say a word a shorter guy came in saying he will be helping this guy with whatever it is they'll be speaking about

The tall guy finally started to talk.
"Hi guys my name is Jared Padalecki"
Right when he said His name Ethan's head shot up.
The shorter guy spoke and said
"Hi, I'm Jensen ackles and we work on a show called supernatural."
I looked at Ethan and Ethan wouldn't stop staring.
"E calm down would ya?"
He just kept staring.

We went around the room to say our names and why we're here. I told him "i'm just coming for him, but my name is Grayson. We're twins."
"I'm Ethan." Ethan said looking at the floor.
"You two look a lot a like, it's just the hair."
"I have twins of my own." Jensen added  "THEY. ARE. ADORABLE. "Can I show you pictures?"
"Jensen!" Jared said laughing.
We both laughed with them.
"Ethan is actually kinda depressed at the moment not me" Grayson said
"Oh well Ethan you wanna talk about it?"
"Um.. No not really.."
"Why not?" Jared asked sitting down.
"I don't like to."
"You know, I made that mistake too. I used to keep everything to myself. I would never tell anyone anything. It just made me even more depressed than I already was."
"How did you find out while you were depressed?" A guy in the circle asked.
"Well, we were shooting season three of supernatural, And I had an anxiety attack. It was so bad they had to call in a Doctor. About 35-45 minutes in the checkup he told me I was clinically depressed."
"Really?" I asked "I'm clinically an chronically depressed." I added
"Oh really how'd you find out?" Jared asked
"Umm... About four weeks ago I tried killing myself by swallowing a bottle of prescription drugs. I woke up about a week later-"
Yah and I had a damn anxiety attack because I thought you wouldn't wake up!"
"I kinda had the lecture gray" we all chuckled
"Um yah... When I was gonna go home the doctor called me Grayson and my girlfriend Vanessa in his office and that's when he told me. He told us about therapists and this circle."
"So you've went to a therapist?"
I looked at Grayson and he gave me a face that said "say it"
"I was staring to talk about my feelings and I flipped out. I was screaming on the top of my lungs."
"Why?" Jensen and Jared asked
"I hate talking about my feelings.."
"I hope you get over that phase" Jared said
"Can I show you a picture of my twins now or...?"
"Hey.... They're cute."
Jared chuckled and took questions.
"Any advice on how to fight through depression?" I asked.
"Yes and it says it on my shirt always keep fighting. I actually have enough for all of you!"
He gave them out to everyone and later this ended up as a supernatural convention everyone was just asking them questions about supernatural.
"Any questions on mental health?" Jensen asked putting his hands in the air.
I raised my hand but quickly put it back down because I decided not to ask it.
I looked up and said "yah"
"You have a question?"
"It seems like you do."
"I'm fine don't worry."
Jensen looked at me for a good minute. I just stared at the floor trying not to make him realize I noticed him.
"Okay and that wraps it up thanks guys for coming.. Uh... Ethan!"
I turned around and looked up "yah..?"
"Can you come here a minute?"
I came to him and we both sat down Jensen was sitting texting someone. Grayson was sitting next to me.
"Hey Ethan."
"Hi" I said shyly
"Uh.. I just wanted to talk about today I noticed you had a question but didn't ask it."
"No really I'm fine."
"Ethan I know you don't like talking about your feelings but why don't you just try it out?"
"Not interested."
He looked at me with a worried and confused look on his face.
"Ethan, It can get so much better if you would just tal-"
"ETHAN!" Grayson said scolding at me

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