OK. OK. Uz jsem parkrat tady mam pocit psala, ze bych to chtela psat anglicky, ze? jeden z duvodu je, ze se mi tak pise lip a je proste na nic psat neco cesky a nemoct pouzivat hacky a carky, musi se to i priserne cist. Takze, jsem se rozhodla jeden dil napsat anglicky. Pokud s tim vetsina z vas co to ctete bude mit problem, tak to pak klidne prepisu do cj. Je to stupidne lehka anglictina, tak snad to bude v pohode. Diky .D
Tai's POV
It has been a few days since I saw or talked to Zeke. And I finally, after a long time felt free. I could hang out with my friends, eat a dinner with my parents and even just sleep with my cat. It was great. Everything was back to normal. And I even went out with Lily. She's actually really smart and funny. So I wouldn't mind to see her again. And that's something that Zeke would never approve to, even though I'm not his property.
Just as I was about to leave from work, I saw a somehow familiar car to stop in front of the shop. I didn't think about it that much and just left without worrying about it. That was a mistake. Of course. How could I think that Zeke will just leave me alone? Some people just can't take the hint. I sighed when I heard him say my name behind me. I turned around to face him. He looked like he didn't get enough of sleep, unlike me.
"You look happy." he said, scanning my face. I gave him a huge smile.
"Sure I do, I'm back with my family, friends and my cat. That makes me happy," I shrugged. "What about you?"
"I was waiting for you to call me, but it's been nearly a week now and I thought that a week is enough. But I guess that you didn't miss me as much as I missed you." he was looking straight into my eyes. And I strated to feel guilty. I had no idea that he,.. liked me this much.
"I'm sorry, but I had a lot of stuff to do." I didn't exactly lie, but I didn't want to hurt his feelings even more.
"Do you want to go to my place for some tea?" he asked and I think that I saw a little bit of hope in his eyes.
Tak co, myslite ze to takhle zvladnem, nebo ne? A pokud jo, mel by s nim Tai jit?
(Kratke je to takhle protoze by se mi nechtelo do cj prepisovat neco delsiho .D )
Romance"Jmenuju se Tai. Tai Yoshiki. Je mi 16, chodím do školy a přivydělávám si prací v kavárně u Modrého lososa. Jsem nešikovný. Jako vážně hodně. Nikdy mi nic nešlo ve škole, ve sportech natož pak třeba v umění. A věřte mi, být takový nešika se vážně ne...