The Bathroom

14 3 2

Note: this may be long and depressing

My warm head pressed against the metal stall

I waited as the time slowly became a slip away

I mourned my loss and all the worlds hate around me

My eyes shut, I whimpered and sobed

Nobody could hear my cries, they were slow and painful

The words would complete me, a protector of earth

And yet, how did it manage to break my barrier, I don't know

I would have never known the pain I had until the anger broke free

The hot air sucked my face as the door opened

I stood up and tiptoed on top of the toilet 

They left and I slumped against the wall

My airways gave in and I collapsed 

Down to the concrete floor where it would consume me 

where it would devour my fear like a tasty snack 

why didn't the words hold me 

why did it let me go

Now, I am left in this lonely little box

waiting, hoping that my words can find me here

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