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The replica factory…it seemed abandoned and wrecked. Even the sign seem like it was coming off.They walked into the factory nevertheless.


Shanks' voice echoed and a person walked out from one of those huge machines. The person was wearing a black hoodie. They couldn't see the person's face. 'Nice to meet you guys.' They could figure out that from the voice,she's a girl.

shanks:why are you helping us?

'a favour.'

ace:you must be idelom.

'correct. I need you guys to leave this country.'

atsuki:why? Some secret we shouldn't know.

idelom:just leave. Its for your own good.

atsuki:if we refuse?

idelom:fine, stay.Help me to get rid of moejo.He's a tyrant.

kirin:seems like a good way to spend time off while I'm on this island.

zoro:kirin!!Don't be so trustful. Why should we trust you?

She took down her hoodie and all we could see are her eyes.She covered the rest with a mask. 'this is as far as trust goes.'

law:no thanks. I still need to look for someone.

idelom:so you're gonna leave?

law:no.I'll check this town out before I do.

idelom: wait!! I'll do you a deal.I'll find you melodi.Just help me.


shanks:churim,your call.


atsuki:as suspicious as this looks like…looks like I'm in.

kirin:than me too.

idelom:thank you.Time for me to disappear.I'll contact you via apple.

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