Chapter 1: The Attack

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The characters belong to JKR... Except Mia Andrews, who you will meet in the near end of the book.

Chapter 1

Lily's POV

"Oi Evans!" I heard the voice I heard everyday...... Potter's voice.

I turned around to see Potter's face.

"What do you want?" I hissed

He grinned and said,

"The usual. Go out with me."

" You know the answer, Potter. NO! Why don't you get it?! You know the reason! Your an arrogant toerag! You hex, jinx, or curse everyone just for fun, especially Sev!" I turned around and left angrily.

James's POV

When Lily left I frowned. I just could'nt just get her to like me. I sighed heavily.

"That's one heavy sigh, Prongs." Padfoot said " Whats wrong anyway?"

"It's Lily"

"Of course it is. Who else , Padfoot?" Moony said

"What happened? She refused again? Of course she did." Padfoot said

"I want her so bad! I just couldn't get her to fall in love with me! She calls me a bloody arrogant toerag!"

"Dude, chill. Deflate your head a bit. That's what Lily wants." Moony said

I raised an eyebrow " What do you mean? My head's not that big!"

"I meant stop hurting people. That's one."

"I'll try. For Lily."

The next morning, they were all at the Great Hall for breakfast.

Lily's POV

"Oh no! Potter's coming!" I said to one of my best friend, Marlene McKinnon

" Hey Lily!"

"What? " I suprised myself by not shouting.

"I need help in Potions. Can you help me?


What should I say??


"So? Um, Lily?" Potter said, waving a hand in front of my eyes.

"W-what? Oh yeah. Potions. Sure."


"Maybe. Now, let me eat my breakfast."

James's POV

"Guys, she said yes!!!!" I yelled triumphantly

"Good for you mate." Wormtail said

"Now, next problem. What should I do?"

"Your so stupid, James. Study Potions of course, or she'll hate you one hundred percent." Moony said after chewing his eggs.

"Right." I said with a frown. I was hoping for something more.

Later at the Common Room

I brought my potions book out from my black Hogwarts bag.

"Lily! We need to study!" I yelled at the redhead who was reading a book.

"Fine.Fine." Lily said standing up from the couch.

"Come on then. Lets go!" I said, grabbing her hand and dragging her to the table.

"Ok then. Lets start." She opened her book to page 7.


She was telling me things about the Draught of Death, but I couldn't focus.


"W-w-what?" I stuttered

"If you won't study, Im leaving."

I was gonna respond but then the portrait of The Fat Lady screamed so loudly. We all wen't out of the common room to check.A group of Slytherins were outside with their wands.

They aimed their wands at all muggleborns and shouted,


Several spells hit Lily and she screamed in pain.

"LILY!" I shouted at Lily who crumbled to the floor. I ran to her. She looked lifeless. I checked her pulse.

"BLOODY HELL!" I yelled

What do you think happened to Lily?

Please follow me on Instagram too! @dauntless_p0tter



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