Chapter 20: The Potter Reunion

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James's P.O.V.

"O-O-Our what?" Lily stuttered. I guess she didn't think about having kids.

"But... Were are we? I mean future us." I asked

Lily's (2)eyes were brimmed with tears. "I wish you were here in this time, grand mum." Lily (2) sniffed. At these words, I staggered backwards. Lily... She... No. She couldn't have died. But our granddaughter was crying and hugging Lily as tight as she could, as if she wouldn't want to let her go.

"James. Get Dad. And Mum." Albus said to his older brother. James (2) ran to their house, looking for my future son, and daughter-in-law. Wow. That sounds so weird. Tris and Tobias stood behind us awkwardly, not wanting to ruin the moment.

Seconds later, A boy. No sorry, man who looked like my carbon copy, but with Lily's eyes, And a woman with fiery red hair came.When this man, Harry, saw Lily (1) and his daughter hugging her, his eyes watered.

"Mum? Dad?"

"Oh Harry! I'm sorry. We're sorry for not being here! Lily told us we... we... died. Where did you live? Surely Dumbledore let you live with a Wizarding family, right?"

Harry shook his head. "I stayed with your sister" He mumbled.

A look of shock was plastered on Lily's face "MY SISTER?!" She shrieked "What in Merlin's name did she do to you, Harry. You tell me, or so help me-" Wow she's acting like his mother. Not that she isn't anyway.

"Lily. Calm down. Petunia couldn't be that bad to him." I reassured her, rubbing her back.

"We should go inside." Said Harry's wife.

"Sorry. I know that felt awkward." Lily told Tris and Tobias. "I can't believe were dead. I just can't"

We walked inside the Potter Manor. Wow this place is still alive!

"So you stay here?"

"Yeah. Hermione, my best friend, said we couldn't repair your house in Godric's Hollow. So we moved here. It's really old, but this place is still intact." Said Harry

"So who's this?" I said, with curiosity in my voice.

"That's Ginny. My wife."

"And these guys? We know their names, but not their full ones, their favorites, their dislikes, thei-" 

"We get it James." Said Lily (1)

"Hi. I'm James Sirius Potter. Eldest of Harry Potter. My ambition is to be like Uncle George, starting with being a prankster at school." The two adults groaned, I smirked. A troublemaker. And Lily (1) buried her face in her hands. "I'm also 17 by the way. Chaser for Gryffindor too."

James (2) sat down, smirking. Then Albus stood to talk.

"Hi. I'm Albus Severus-" I cut him off

"Snivellus?! You named him after Snivellus?!"

Harry shrugged." What? He looked after me. Al please continue."

"I'm seeker for Gryffindor. I'm not loud like James. I'm more of the quit type. I'm 16 too."

Albus sat down and helped Lily (2) stand up.

"You know me. I'm Lily Luna Potter. I'm more of the studious type. But with my parents, I've got Quidditch skills in my blood. I play chaser when we play in the burrow with our other cousins. I'm also 14 and I get O's on most of my subjects."

Lily(1) beamed. A mini Lily eh?

"Hey Dad, where's Teddy?"

"In his room. I'll call him." Harry went up the stairs and into Sirius's old room. Which was beside my old room.

Harry came back with a boy with turquoise colored hair.

"Hello!" He said cheerfully.

"Who's this?" Lily asked

"I'm Teddy. Theodore Remus Lupin (Did I get that ryt?). I'm a Metamorphagus (did I spell that ryt too? XD). Son of Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks."

"Moony married Tonks from Hufflepuff?"

"You should stay here the while. While you're here. We'll contact McGonagall."

"Oh! We don't mean to intrude!"

"It's okay Mum. Dad can share a room with James."

"NO!" shrieked Lily (1) and Ginny " They'll blow up the house! Mind you Harry, your dad' still in school. A troublemaker like James."

"Fine with Al. Mum and Lily will share."


"Um this is Tris and Tobias."

"They can get the guest room. Dad! This place is huge!"

"Where's your room, Al?"

"Here." We went into my old room, nothing changed, but the pictures were different. But Albus has

Put all of mine and Lily's pictures and my pictures with the Marauders in one shelf.

"I haven't changed a thing... Except for the pictures. I put them there."

"Thanks Al."

We had eaten dinner and Harry had told us to go to sleep. I lay awake, thinking about our future.


Hi! Sofia here! It's a bit short in my opinion but... Idc.


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