Chapter 12: Lily gets rescued

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This is rewritten okay? Okay. ;) BTW Tysm for the 1.1k resds!!!


A blast of light came from Snape's wand and it was coming Lily's way.

James's P.O.V.

I saw Snivellus tap Lily on the shoulder and pull her outside.

"Where's he taking her?" I mutter

"Who? Wait. Where's Evans?"

"Snivellus took her. I'm following them." I picked up her 'Divergent' book that she dropped when Snape took her and gave it to Marlene.

"Mar, bring this to Lily's dormitory."

"Why can't she-"

"I'll explain later."

"I'm coming with you, Prongs."

"Ok Padfoot. Just. Be quiet"



We followed them to the Slytherin common room. Frequently reminding Sirius to shut his mouth, we got there without being caught.

"Pureblood" Snape muttered.

We sneaked into the common room. Those Slytherin idiots were now talking about Snape not helping Lily.

She was screaming at him to help her. Suddenly a blast of light came her way. I jumped out of our hiding spot and shouted,


The spell bounced back and almost hit Malfoy, but sadly, he ducked.

"James! What are you doing here?!"

"Saving you of course."

"James. You shouldn't have come!"

"And why?"


"Avada Kedavra!"


"Protego!!!" I yelled, stupidity

The spell wasn't deflected, and I got hit.

Lily's P.O.V.

"James!!!! Nooooo!!" I screamed. Tears began to fall on my face. James Potter, my brave, sweet boyfreind, dead. I cried and sobbed. Sirius came out of nowhere and pulled me away, leading me out of the Slytherin common room, with James's body in tow. Tears began to fall on his face too. We reached the common room and went inside. People gasped when they saw James.

"James?!" Remus yelled, shaking him "James! WAKE UP!! THIS IS... IMPOSSIBLE!!"

"Rem, He-h-h-he's d-d-d-dead." I stuttered

"No! Lily! Help!"

"Come on, Moony" Sirius tried to pull Rem away.

"No!" He sobbed

"Rem..." I said "Rem, he's gone"

"No! I don't believe it!"

"Come on, Moony. Let's go."

Sirius's P.O.V.

He can't be gone... He-he took the potion. I have to be strong. James, my best friend, gone. Wizards can't live happily, can they?



"How? Why?"

"I couldn't just take the blow. James will suffer. If I pushed him out of the way, and ducked, Lily would die, then James will suffer."

"Good night, Padfoot." He rolled over his bed, not facing me and went to sleep.

I couldn't sleep that night. I was thinking about...him. I heard sobbing downstairs so I went to check it out.

I went sdownstairs to the common room and saw Lily.

"Um... Lily??"

She turned around, her eyes red and her face streaked with tears.


"Yep?" I said trying to sound upbeat

"Sit." She said, her voice cracking

I sat down next to her on the couch in front of the fireplace.

She put her arms around my waist (Do NOT think that) and cried, nope, sobbed on my shirt. I patted her back akwardly, knowing that she still has problems with James. Just remembering him brought back memories. I started to cry.

"It should've been me." I whispered

She pulled away from the hug she gave me and looked angered.

"Then what? Let the other Marauders suffer? Let James, Rem, and Peter suffer?! Think!"

"I should have taken it." She added quietly

"Lily... James would suffer. He has been trying to get you for fourever. If he loses you... he might actually do... suicide."

Lily looked at me sadly and said,

"I miss him."

"I know, Lily. I do too"

I noticed a pce of parchment in Lily's hand.

"What's that?" I asked, pointing at her hand.

She handed it to me and I started to read,

James Potter + Lily Evans

Isn't this James's?

I need Lily to accept me, Padfoot

Prongs,let her go

You know I can't. I've tried.

I know.

Will you two boys stop? Im in between you two prats and Im trying to concentrate on Professor Binns.

Lily, loosen up will you

Lily youre such a... Nevermind

A what? Sirius I dare you.

A beautiful redhead, Evans. A very beautiful, smart readhead

Shut up, Potter.

"Where did you get this?" I asked Lily, we were in 4th year when we wrote this. Lily hated our guts then.

"I-I-I found it in... James gave it to me in 5th year... I haven't read it yet then."

"Lily... I want to... get him back."

"Yeah I do too."


Sorry for the feels... I AM SO EVIL!! DO NOT MURDER ME!!!

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