Chapter 16: The new Gryffindors

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All characters unfortunately belong to JKR and Veronica Roth... 




“Okay. Please follow Miss Evans and Mister Potter to your new common room.”


James’s P.O.V.


Lily seemed excited. Tris will be staying in their dormitory after all. Four… he'll be sleeping in a special dormitory. He’s too old for Hogwarts… Tomorrow Lily and I will be excused from classes to bring Tris and Four to Diagon Alley.

“Password?” The Fat Lady said

“Wattlebird.” Lily answered

The portrait hole swung open to reveal our common room.

“Tris, you’ll be sleeping in our dormitory.” Lily said, trying to keep her cool.

“How about Tobias?”

“He will be sleeping in a special one. He’s 18 so he’s too old for Hogwarts.” I replied, finally finding out that four is Tobias.

“Um… Okay then.” Tris said

“Let me show you to where you will sleep.” Lily said, still trying to keep her cool, but failing miserably since I could practically see her hair bouncing (That doesn’t happen too often.)

“Okay. Lead the way.” Tris said

When the girls left I said,

“Now I’ll show you where you’ll be sleeping.”

I brought him to his room and said,

“Tomorrow we’ll be heading to Diagon Alley to buy your stuff. You’ll be joining the 7th years while Tris joins the 6th years. Goodnight.”

I left his room and headed to my dormitory.

‘Hey Prongs, where have you been?” asked Padfoot

“We have 2 new Gryffindors, mate”

“Who?” said Moony “It’s the middle of the year.”

“Is it the two mysterious people who popped out earlier?” asked Wormtail

“Yeah. It’s them”

“The girl’s quite nice.” Said Padfoot

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