Chapter 8: Got the Girl

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"Yes." Lily breathed

James's P.O.V.



Look I can't help it but....... I kissed her........ and she kissed back! Her arms around my neck and my hands on her waist then, first kiss with the girl I love, was the BEST!.....

"Pro-Woah! You got her!Moony! Wormtail! Prongs was snogging Evans!"

Lily looked down and blushed a deep shade of red.

"So you got her James?" asked Padfoot whose grin was spreading.

"Um......." I said unsure

"YOU GOT HER!" Padfoot blasted "YOU GOT THE GIRL!"

"Prongs was snogging Evans, Evans was snogging Prongs." He mocked in tune.

"Shut up Padfoot." I said through clenched teeth, Lily gotten as red as her hair.

"Why? I'm sure you want the whole world to know anyway!"He continued mockingly

I glared at him. "Come on, Lily." I pulled her towards the boys dormitory.I

"I'm sorry, Lil."

"It's alright....... I'm just a bit shy about this......."

"Don't be. Lil, you should be confident about this."


"Just try."


Lily's P.O.V.

I am dating freaking James Potter! I am dating the most famous boy of our year!

"YOU'RE DATING JAMES POTTER?! I ENVY YOU!" Eva shrieked when I told her in our dormitory. She had a crush on him for years.

"I thought you hate him." whispered Marlene

"I thought I did too."


James's P.O.V.

I finally got her! I finally got Lily Evans!

"How d'you do it, Prongs?" asked Padfoot

"I haven't have the foggiest. I just asked."

"And she just said yes?" asked Moony, who had just stopped reading his book

"Yeah. She just did."


"Hope we last." I muttered so they won't hear.

∞ ϟ 9¾ ♔ ⚯͛ △⃒⃘ ➵ ♆ ➰ I am soooooo sorry this late. It's short. SORRY!!! I have been rereading books and reading fanfiction, and had piano lessons, and ballet lessons............


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