Chapter 9: The Date

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"Hope we last." James muttered so the others won't hear.

James P.O.V.

Okay, my first date to Hogsmeade with Lily Evans. I need to make this perfect. I looked at myself in the mirror. I gotta say, I look pretty good. I even tried (but failed) to flatten my hair.

"You ready?" Padfoot said over my shoulder.

"Wish me luck." I turned to him. I got my jacket from my bed and went down to the common room. Ill be meeting Lily at Hogsmeade.

I opened the portrait and began walking down the corridors until I saw.... Snivellus.

"What do you want?!" I said unpleasantly with venom. He glared at me.

"I heard you and Evans are going out." He said, his face was filled with anger and possibly dissapointment.

"So?!" I questioned.

"I dont get why she would go out with someone like you." He answered trying to keep his voice calm.

"Probably because im not you." I said smirking as I saw his face. I continued walking when he didnt talk back, feeling happy from the damage Ive done.

Severus's P.O.V.

Why the hell would she go out with him? She thought of him as a bully. An arrogant toe-rag. Why?

I ran towards Lily when I saw her walking to the direction Potter was walking to.

"LILY! WAIT UP!" I panted

"What?" She said coldly


"Why what? Why am I going out with James? Cause I love him. If you didn't call me- That thing. You would probably be in James's place. You're just a slimy git. Leave me alone." She spat.

"LILY? LILY, WHERE ARE YOU? WE HAVE TO GO SOON!" I heard Potter shout for Lily.

I took this opportunity to piss him off.

I did the unthinkable.

I kissed her

Lily's P.O.V.

He kissed me! He is kissing me. Sev is kissing me!

I squirmed and tried to get out of his grip, but he is too strong.

"LILY! Lil-" James voice faltered when he saw us.

"GET OFF HER!" He yelled.

He pushed him against the wall and took out his wand.

"You do that to Lily once more, I am gonna hex you into oblivion." James threatened.

"Come on James. Let's go."

We walked to Hogsmeade in an animated conversation about random stuff. I swear I hear whispers and see people pointing at us. It is pretty unusual to see Lily Evans and James Potter holding hands or even going to Hogsmeade together.

"Where should we go first?" I asked him



We came out of Zonko's with a handful of pranks and jokes.

"Where next?"

"The Three Broomsticks?" I asked


We walked inside the Three Brooksticks and James ordered.

"Hello Rosmerta. 2 Butterbeers" He said

"2 Galleons."

James handed 2 Galleons and took our drinks. We took our seats and talked.

"So....When did you start liking me?"

This question just popped out of nowhere.

"If I answer that your ego will grow as bigger as it has." I joked

"Just answer it." He said

"Um... Lets see... It started in 5th year. I denied it though. I always said that I will never like you. Then It just kept growing in 6th year.The crush. It just kept growing. Then you became nicer. Kinder. Then I admitted it. Then here we are now."

"So why did you keep refusing me in 6th?"

"I thought that you were just making fun of me. But when Remus told us your real intentions, I felt guilty."

"Oh. Guilty you say? You could make it up to me." He smirked


He leaned in and closed the space between us.

Hello people who are reading this. I hpoe this is enough 4 u. Hope u like it.

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