Chapter 24: Hogwarts is here

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Lily: Hi! Um, 1st of all, Sofia and Julie don't own us... J.K. Rowling does.

Tris:They don't own me or Tobias either. Veronica Roth does.

Sofia: I wish i did.

James: So... On with this chapter

Sofia: WAIT! I'm grounded from the iPad for a week (look in previous A/N in previous chapter) so my updated might take longer.

3rd person

The 4 Potters, the soon-to-be-Potter, and the Divergent characters, arrived at Hogwarts. Lily Evans gasped at the beautiful sight she was beholding every year, never getting tired of it's beauty.

"Let's find a carraige." said Lily Potter.

"Aren't we waiting for Rosie?"


"Our cousin. Rose Weasley."

"There she is!" smiled Albus

"Hello Lily, James, Albus." Rose said, giving everyone except Tris, Tobias, Lily, and James.

"Who're they?" asked Hugo, as they all climed into a carraige

"Um." Lily bit her lip nervously "Mary Summers, Samantha Matthews, James Matthews and-"

"Lil, you're lying."

The little redhead girl looked at her grandmother for permission, which she had given.

"Okay. Promise you don't freak out?"


"Mary Summersis Lily Evans. Samantha Matthews is Tris Prior from-"

"Divergent?! Wait. Wait. Wait. Did you say Lily Evans?"

The little girl nodded.

"They're time-travelers aren't they? That's James Potter, Uncle Harry's dad, and that's Tobias, or Four isn't it?"

The four time-travelers looked at her in shock. She had figured it all out.

"What house are you in?" James asked suspiciously


"Surprising, really." James said sarcastically.

Once the carriages had stopped in front of Hogwarts, everyone unloaded and walked straight into the Great Hall, where McGonagall was standing.

"Welcome back everyone, now can I just have four students, you know who you are, report to my office."

The hall went silent. James, Lily, Tris and Tobias all looked at each other. Lily realized what this meant. It was time to go home. She was suddenly filled with happiness and sadness at the same time. She was excited to see Marlene, Eva, and Mary, but was saddened to see her new friends go.

The four stood up ever so slowly and walked to what they knew as Dumbledore's office. McGonagall led them inside, and sat at her desk.

"It's time." McGonagall said sadly. She would miss Lily and James.

"What does this entail?" Lily asked.

"Unfortunately, your memory will be erased. All of you." They all wanted to argue back but chose not to.

"How much of it?" Tris asked.

"Well for Lily and James, just from the time traveling and forward. For Tris and Tobias... well, unfortunately, all of it."

"No! You can't! I have learned all this amazing stuff, and now you're just going to throw it all away? What do I t-"

"Tris..." Tobias interrupted her.

She sat in a chair and slouched down.

Lily kept her mouth shut. She knew it was for the best. If they tried to alter the future, the many friends they had just made may not be born.

James slid down on the nearest wall and ran his fingers through his hair.His nervous habit. Lily walked over and grabbed his hand.

"Alright, who is going first?" McGonagall asked.

No answer.

After a few seconds, Tobias volunteered.

"No! What are you doing?" Tris whispered, grabbing his hand.

"Getting it over with." He turned and faced McGonagall. "Ready when you are."

"Obliviate." She whispered, and Tobias looked dazed as he dropped to the ground.

"No! What did you do to him?"

"Tris, where are we?"

"Tobias. Don't you remeber them?"

Tobias shook his head. "Do you know them?"

Tris tried to hold tears in her eyes. She never wanted to forget any of her friends. Especially Lily and James. Never in her life did she want that. "Tobias. Please. Remember. Tobias"

Professor McGonagall looked at the poor blonde girl sinking to the floor, crying her eyes out. She felt pity. 

"Miss Prior. It's for your own good."

"My own good?! You took away Tobias's memory of his friends, you old hag! I hate you! Look at what you did!" 

Mcgonagall looked horrified. "Miss Prior, calm down."

"Give it back! Give it back!" Tris screamed "Give back his memory! Give it back!"

"Miss Prior-"

"Professor McGonagall, why do we have to do this? Can't we just remeber all of this, we won't alter the future. We'll even die in the end for it. Tris and Tobias can't even alter anything."

Professor McGonagall pondered on what Lily Evans had reasoned. 

"Okay. But you have to make an Unbreakable Vow."

They all nodded. "Just give back his memory." 

McGonagall flicked her wand and Tobias looked like he had just woken up.

"Wh-Are we in the Dauntless Compound? Tris, why can I remember Lily and James. I thought I was-"

"Shut up." Tris smiled 

James and Lily smiled at each other. No memories will be erased. They will remeber it all.


Hi Im in school ryt now. So bye... 


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