Part 1 The Rich Boy

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Jonathan Byers was sorting out his photographs late one night. He was listening to The Smiths on low volume, cause his mother and younger brother were sleeping; but Jonathan couldn't sleep. Ever since this new boy had started hanging out at the movie theather, the place where Jonathan worked, he hadn't been able to get him out of his head. He told himself that it was just because the small town of Hawkins rarely got new residents, and that maybe he was a little jealous of this new boy, who already seemed so popular and outgoing, which was the complete opposite of Jonathan himself. He was shy, not very outspoken, he preferred to be on his own than to be around a large crowd of people, but lately he had craved something more. Jonathan had never had a relationship, he had never kissed anyone or been in love. He was starting to think something was wrong with him, maybe he was just made to be alone.

It was getting late, and he wanted to escape some of the confusing thoughts in his head.

When he had turned off the lights and was lying in his bed, he started to think about him again. His name was Steve Harrington, and they went to the same high school. If only there was a way he could talk to him. But why would a rich, popular guy like Steve talk to an outsider like Jonathan? This friendship would be impossible. It was better to let it go.

"Are you working tonight, honey?" Joyce asked her son during breakfast the next morning.

"Yeah, I am." Jonathan replied.

"That's good. I just feel like you need to get out more, hang out with some people your own age."

"Mom, we've talked about this. I'm perfectly fine on my own. I prefer not to talk to people, at least not if I can help it"

"But isn't there some girl that you like? Someone you could ask out?"

Jonathan blushed. The thought of him asking a girl out was absurd. He could never do something like that. An image of Steve Harrington passed his mind, confused, he quickly pushed the thought away. He didn't want to think of him, and he didn't know why he kept thinking about him.

"There isn't anyone I like, mom. I just want to be alone"

"Nobody wants to be alone, Jonathan" Joyce said and ruffled his hair.

At school that day, Jonathan sat alone at lunch, like he always did. Nobody would want to sit with him. Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice, and he looked up from his food: "Are we going to the movie's tonight again, Steve?" the voice belonged to Carol, a friend of that douchebag Tommy. If Steve was hanging out with those two, than all hope of a friendship between him and Jonathan was gone.

"Sure, if Tommy wants to come" Steve said.

All of a sudden, the boy named Steve stopped, right by the table where Jonathan sat. Jonathan freezed.

"Hey!" Steve said.

"Hey." Jonathan replied. He didn't know what was happening, if Steve was mocking him, like everyone else.

"You work at the movie theather right?" Steve asked.

Jonathan nodded.

"Cool, I've seen you there. My name is Steve Harrington" he said and reached out his hand for Jonathan to shake. Shocked, Jonathan shook Steve's hand and said: "I'm Jonathan Byers"

Steve smiled and said "See you around!" Then he left. Jonathan was stunned, he couldn't believe a popular guy like Steve had just talked to him. What he didn't know was that his life was going to get even more unbelieveable.

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