Part 6 What is love even?

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Steve woke up from a dream about Jonathan the next morning. In the dream Jonathan and him had taken a little more than their shirts off. He went down to eat breakfast. His parents weren't home, as per usual. He sat down at the table, thinking about calling Jonathan. But what would Jonathan's mom say? Had she noticed something yesterday? It was clear to Steve that Jonathan didn't want his mom to find out about him and Steve. Steve didn't blame him, cause he, too, didn't want his parents to know anything. It hurt a bit to think, that he had to keep it a secret, but it also made it that more exciting. He just hoped that it hadn't just been a one time thing on Jonathan's part, cause it certainly hadn't been like that for Steve. Every inch of his body longed to be with Jonathan again; it was driving him crazy! He had never felt like this with anyone ever.

Steve decided not to call Jonathan that day. He was going to wait to talk to him until school, no matter how hard it would be.

Jonathan stood by his locker. He felt like everyone was looking at him, like people suddenly looked at him and could tell that he was gay. You're just being paranoid, he told himself.

When he opened his locker a note fell out. He opened the note. It said: "Meet me in the bathroom. Steve"

Jonathan quickly crumbled the note, and blushed. What was Steve thinking?

Jonathan looked around, trying to make sure nobody saw him. He went to the men's bathroom.

"Hey. Didn't think you would come. I've missed you" Steve said and smiled. Damn, that smile.

"What if somebody sees us?" Jonathan asked.

"I just wanted to see you, Jon."

"Me too, but I don't think this is such a good idea, Steve"

"Shh" Steve whispered and gently placed a hand on Jonathan's cheek. Screw it. Jonathan leaned in; he couldn't take it no more! Their lips met once again. It felt so damn good to make out with Steve again, but Jonathan quickly pulled away, though his body screamed for more, he was feeling so hot already.

"I can't Steve. Not here. Come to my house tonight."

"Really? But what about your mom?"

"I'll just tell her we'll be studying. She won't ask, she didn't ask anything yesterday."

"Wow. I like your mom" Steve said and winked.

Jonathan blushed and left the bathroom, more butterflies in his stomach.

At dinner that night (Joyce had made spaghetti for her boy.Jonathan tried to work up the courage to tell his mom that Steve was coming over.

"So, mom, you remember Steve?" he asked, trying to sound casual, but failing.

"Yeah, sure, your new friend. He seems nice"

"Well, he's coming over tonight to study for a chemisty test. Is that okay?"

"Sure, you can just sit in the living room."

"No, it's okay, we don't want to bother you, so we'll just be in my room"

"Okay, sure" Joyce said, but Jonathan could have sworn he saw just the tiniest hint of a smile on her face, but maybe he had imagined it.

Jonathan and Joyce were sitting in front of the TV, when a knock came at the door.

"I'll get it!" Jonathan said and jumped off the couch.

Of course when he opened the door, he saw Steve's face.

"Hey. Come in!"

"Hey, thanks"

The two boys walked into the living room. Joyce got up and stretched out her hand for Steve to shake.

"I'm sorry, I guess I didn't get to say a proper hello yesterday. It's nice to meet you!"

"Thanks! You too"

Joyce asked Steve a couple of questions about his family and school, and Jonathan was impatient to get into the room with Steve. Finally, his mom let them go, so they went into the room and closed the door behind them. The two shy boys sat down on the bed, not saying anything for a long time. The silence was getting awkward. Jonathan just sat and looked at his hands.

"So, what are we going to study?" Steve asked.

"Sorry, what?" Jonathan asked, confused.

"Well, I thought we were going to study?"

Jonathan couldn't really tell if Steve were joking or not.

"I don't know" Jonathan admitted.

"So why did you want me to come over?" Steve asked.

Jonathan looked at Steve. Steve's eyes moved to Jonathan's lips.

"Well, your mom is here" Steve said.

"Screw that" Jonathan said, bringing Steve's mouth to his.

Jonathan's mouth moved to Steve's neck and he kept kissing him, Steve making little sounds in the back of his throat that drove Jonathan wild. Jonathan's hand slipped under Steve's shirt, feeling his muscles.

Steve muttered something.

"What?" Jonathan asked.

Steve lowered his head and brought his mouth to Jonathan's ear and whispered: "I want you"

Jonathan's heart was beating out of his chest. Steve licked Jonathan's earlobe and bit it very gently. This made Jonathan moan a little louder than he meant to, and Steve just chuckled.

"You're so fucking cute, baby" Steve whispered.

A thousand different thoughts were spinning in Jonathan's head; what if his mom came in and saw them? What would she say? How would she react? Would she be mad? He hoped she wouldn't, but he wasn't particularly keen on finding out if that were the case anyway; (not to talk about how awkward it would be for him to have his mom walk in on him in bed with another guy!) But Steve wasn't just any other guy.. Steve was..

"Damn, Jon. You're shaking! Relax, baby. Take it easy. I'll go slow."

Steve laced his fingers with Jonathan's, kissing him on the neck, gently licking his earlobes, and Jonathan kept on moaning. Damn, why did it feel so good, so right, so..

A loud knock came at the door. Steve jumped off the bed, and landed on the floor. Bump!

The door opened, and in came Joyce. 

"Oh my; boys, are you alright!? Steve, why are you on the floor? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, sure, mom. All is fine. Totally. Thanks. Don't worry." Jonathan mumbled. His lips didn't work properly, but who could blame them, having just been blessed with the sweet feel of Steve Harrington's tongue upon them!?

"You sure, honey? You look a bit pale" Joyce said, crinkling her forehead. 

"Yes, I'm sure. Why are you asking?" Jonathan replied. Oh, dear lord, this was getting weird. 

"Okay, well, it's just that Karen called. Will is at their house, and he's suddenly gotten sick. Karen says she thinks he might have a fever. Poor thing. Well, I have to go pick him up, cause Karen's car is at the garage getting fixed, and she can't take him home, so I'll have to go. I was just worried, that maybe if your brother has the flu, perhaps you have it, too"

"I'm fine, mom, really. Don't worry about me"

"Okay, good. Sorry. Well, will you two be fine on your own? It won't take long"

"No problem, Mrs. Byers. I hope your son feels better soon" Steve said, smiling. Damn, he was such a charmer! Why did he have to be such a heartthrob? 

"Aw! Thank you, Steve. I like you" Joyce said, quickly shutting the door. 

As soon as the two guys heard the front door closing, Steve leaned in, kissing Jonathan's cheek once again. 

"Now, where were we?" He asked.

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