Part 7 Is There Something You Want to Tell Me?

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Jonathan and Steve had gotten so lost in each other that they had also completely lost track of time. Suddenly, they heard voices coming from the living room. Jonathan quickly pulled away.
"My mom." he said, looking nervously at Steve.
He couldn't say how exactly he knew, but he knew he could somehow feel it; there was a question burning silently in the air between them, but he wasn't sure whether he should give in to the sudden urge to transform it into words spoken aloud.
"Guys, we're back!" Joyce called from the living room.
They could hear someone coughing.
"It's my brother, Will. I'm sorry, but I didn't know he had the flu... if..." Jonathan began.
Great - just my luck! Passing the flu onto the first ever guy I've kissed, he thought gloomily.
"Oh, don't worry," Steve said, a mischievous smirk on his swollen, love-ridden lips, "I don't care."
"You don't?" Jonathan asked, finding that hard to believe.
"Yeah. If anything, it's a nice excuse to skip school this week... although..."
"What?" Jonathan said, hope fluttering in his chest.
"Well, there's this boy, you know? This handsome, misunderstood, artsy type of guy, you know..."
Jonathan felt as if he couldn't breathe; oh, dear God - please don't let this be a dream. The universe can't be that cruel - if it's a dream, then I don't want to ever wake up.
Steve took Jonathan's hand in his, gently tracing his finger tips across the other boy's skin. It made Jonathan shiver with delight and anticipation.
"Well, you know, it's just that I'm afraid this guy has messed me with my, like, really messed it up, really, REALLY badly..." Steve said, locking his gorgeous eyes into Jonathan's.
"He has?"
"Oh yes, Jon... I'm afraid he has. The thing is, you see, I don't mind. I don't mind, because I can't stop thinking about this guy. To be honest, he's driving me crazy... but in a good way, you know?"
Steve and Jonathan lips met again, and Steve planted his starving fingers in his lover's brown hair.
'Steve..." Jonathan whispered.
"My mom's here. My brother is here. I can't."
Understanding was written all over Steve Harrington's face and his voice had suddenly turned oddly serious anne grave as he said: "Are you going to tell her? About us?"
"I won't if you don't want me to." Jonathan replied earnestly.
He wasn't sure what how his mother would respond if he told her he liked men. Joyce was a very open-minded and caring mother, there was no doubt in his mind about that, but could he open up to her about this? He didn't quite know.
"Well, I don't mind. But to be honest  Jon, I think we should keep it a secret for now, I mean, at least at school and stuff.. it's just... You know how people can be." Steve said sadly, an image of tommy and Carol breaking into a mocking fit of laughter appearing in his mind.
"Okay." Jonathan said, giving the man of his dreams a final kiss.
"I better get home." Steve said.
"Sure. See you tomorrow?"
"I sure hope so.'
When Steve had left, Jonathan lay on his bed for a long time, staring up at  the ceiling, a big smile plastered onto his aching lips.
"Steve..." he whispered, right before falling asleep.

"Jonathan, is there something you want to tell me?" Joyce said the next morning when he and Jonathan were eating breakfast together.
Will was still feeling ill and was lying in bed in his room, reading comic books.
"No. Why are you asking?" Jonathan asked.
"Well, for one, you have barely touched your blueberry pancakes, and I know they're your favourites..."
Joyce said, her eyes gleaming suspiciously.
She knows something, Jonathan thought nervously.
"AND, honey, you haven't stopped smiling for two days now! Has this got something to do with a special someone?"
"What!? No! Of course not, mom!" Jonathan exclaimed, juice spilling from his mouth onto the table.
"I'm sorry," Joyce said, alarmed "it's just that I want you to know that you can tell me, I mean, if there's someone you like.. someone.. special. Your secrets are always safe with me, Jonathan. I just want you to remember that. Okay?"
"Yeah. Thanks, mom." Jonathan said, meaning it more in that moment than his mother could ever imagine.

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