So, I Guess This is it?

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Jonathan had spent that entire afternoon, curled up on his bed like a ball, his pillow soaked from his own tears. He felt miserable, and it was like his world was ending. He had never had his heart broken before, but now he knew what it felt like - it was horrible.
Steve had called him that afternoon, telling him the news. Jonathan's heart had skipped a beat when Steve had said: "My dad wants us to move out of here..."
"But... but..." Jon had mumbled, unable to form a coherent sentence, unable to form a coherent thought.
"I'm sorry, Jon. He's always found a new house in Chicago. I'm going to go to school there."
"Chicago? Why fucking Chicago? Why not fucking Florida then? Why not Canada? Why not..."
"Jon, please stop it. I don't like this either. I'm going to miss you so much, and I don't want to leave, but..."
"Then don't." Jon had pleaded, tears running down his cheeks - hot and salty and miserable and love-sick tears.
"I have to, Jon. You know it. I'll come over tonight, if that okay?"
"But how..."
"I'll crawl through your window." Steve had said, and Jonathan imagined his eyes twinkling flirtatiously when he said it.
"I can't wait to see you."
"You too, baby."

Now all Jonathan was waiting for for Steve. He couldn't believe it. It coudlnt be true. Was all of this because of those stupid rumours? Because of that stupid photograph? Jonathan wasn't sure. He wanted to be with Steve again, even if it was only for one, last night.

At exactly 1 AM that night, Jon heard a gentle knock on his bedroom window; his heart started beating rapidly, his palms were getting sweaty - he wasn't sure he was ready for this. Yet he knew he wanted to, needed to - see the boy of his dreams. 

He stumbled out of bed, nearly tripping in the sheets that got tangled up between his legs. He opened the window, and surely enough, who but Steve Harrington, the king of Hawkins High himself, crawled awkwardly through the window. BUMP - he landed on the floor. Jonathan helped him up, and they were standing face to face in the darkness of the bedroom, both of their hearts doing a little dance as their hands trembled; their lips quivered as they found each other in the dark. 

"Are you all right?" Jon asked, as he pulled away, closing the window; it was freezing. He looked at Steve, who was wearing a thin jacket, a tight t shirt and some jeans; he knew was could heat him up... 

"I'm okay... I guess... All things considered." Steve said, giving Jon a sad smile. 

Jonathan turned on the light. 
"My mom is sleeping, and even if she isn't, I'm not sure she'll mind." Jonathan admitted, looking down to the floor. 

Steve stepped up to him, placing a hand on his chin, raising his head so that their eyes met. 

"I like your mom." Steve said, and there was that famous wink, the one Jon was so madly in love with; it had a strange, unfamiliar sadness to it though, which made Jonathan's heart lurch. 

"I love you." Jonathan said, not caring what would happen after the words were out. 

"I love you, too, Jon." Steve whispered. 

Their lips met, and the two boys threw themselves onto the bed. 

Steve started kissing Jon's neck, and Jonathan began to moan. Quickly, they both started to forget everything bad that had happened lately. Jonathan ran his hands up and down Steve's back, his arms, through his hair; this felt so good, so right, so amazing, so rare. Steve tore off his jacket and his shirt, and then he took off Jonathan's shirt as well. 

"I want you." Jonathan whispered. 

Steve placed his hand on Jonathan's zipper in his jeans; "God, I want you, too." he said. 

"So, I guess this is it?" Jonathan said softly, caressing Steve's cheek. 

"Yeah... I guess it is. I'm sorry." 
"We can still se each other, right?" 

"I don't know, Jon. My dad he..."
"Screw your dad!" Jonathan exclaimed passionately. 

A wave of hurt flashed across Steve's face. 

"I'm sorry." Jonathan said. 

"No. No, you're right. My dad's a grade A asshole, but you know there's nothing I can do about it. I think it's best this way. I think I need to get a new start, you know?" 

"It isn't fair." Jonathan blurted out, turning around in bed, his back facing the person who once meant everything to him... only now... now, he wasn't so sure about that anymore. 

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