The Wedding

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When Steve Harrington had first anounced the engagement to his family, they hadn't been too thrilled by the idea of two men getting married, but after awhile, they had come around to it, even his dad. Jonathan's mother, Joyce Byers, had been euphoric when her son had told her the big news. With tears in her brown eyes she had said: "My darling, I'm so happy for you! I can't believe my son is getting married! You two are perfect for each other. You always were." 

The words made a lump form in Jonathan's throat, and his eyes stung from years of unshed tears. He finally let them fall now. 

"I love you, mom." he said, flinging his arms around his mother. 

His younger brother, Will, who himself had just gotten married to his husband, Michael, was beyond happy when he heard the big news. 

"I'm so glad you've found the love of your life." Will said, embracing his older brother. 

"So am I." Jonathan said, feeling the truth of the words deep down in the marrow of his bones. 

It was a beautiful wedding ceremony. Jonathan and Steve Byers got married by the ocean, surrounded by their loved ones. They were both wearing  a black suit, looking as chic and handsome as ever, and the 'I do's' as come as easily as rain from a dark cloud. 

Speaking of rain, it had, indeed, begun to rain just as the two grooms were kissing, but no one minded; the day was too damn perfect to be ruined by something as trivial as water from the sky. 


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