The Night is Dark

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The night is so dark, Steve thought, as he lay there on the bed, staring up at the ceiling, breathing the sweet, stale air of 3 AM. He didn't know what had gotten into him. He should be feeling ecstatic - after all, he was going out with Jonathan Byers. But something about the night and its darkness made him feel depressed and lonely. He turned around in the bed. He couldn't sleep. He got up and made himself yet another cup of coffee. He knew that was probably the just about the worst cure to insomnia. He didn't care, though. He missed Jonathan. 

The night is so dark, Jonathan thought, turning over on his bed. Memories kept flooding his brain. Memories of his childhood, of his youth, of his years at Hawkins High. Why did it all suddenly come up now? He felt a knot tighten in his stomach: Steve. Steve had tiltled his world, turned it upside down. Was this so wise after all? Was it ever a good idea to rekindle an old flame? It was no use worrying about that now, though, he told himself. He would have to go through with it and just wait and see what happened. 

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